►N__xray | |
CFdrAdditionalHeaderData | |
CXRayFileHeader | |
CXRayRecord | |
CXRayArgPayload | |
►Netiss | Page Table Entry (PTE) defines the composition of Page Frame Number (PFN) and relavant flags |
►Nerror | |
CError | Base error class for simple handling of errors |
CBitFlip | |
CStuckHigh | |
CStuckLow | |
►Nfault | |
CAction | |
CFault | |
CInjector | |
CInjectorAddress | |
CStressor | |
CTrigger | |
CCPUStateCopyHelper | |
►Ninstr | |
CBuffer | Buffer for reading data from memory while instructions are being fetched |
CBitArray | Stores a bit vector |
CBitArrayRange | Reading through it will only return bits within the range |
COPCode | Defines the relevant bits and their value to identify an instruction |
Cless | Calls operator< of the objects |
CInstructionContext | This class contains parameters that persist in between instruction lookpus/translation within a translation block |
CInstruction | Holds information and translation callbacks for an instruction |
CInstructionSet | Holds etiss::instr::Instruction instances and handles automatic instruction tree creation |
CVariableInstructionSet | Holds etiss::instr::InstructionSet instances with different bit widths |
CModedInstructionSet | Holds etiss::instr::VariableInstructionSet instances for different modes |
CInstructionCollection | Maps to ModedInstructionSet |
CInstructionClass | Maps to VariableInstructionSet |
CInstructionGroup | Maps to InstructionSet |
CInstructionDefinition | Maps to Instruction |
►Ninterfaces | |
►Ndot | |
►CValueOperationTraceGraph | |
CLink | |
CNode | |
►CValueOperationTraceGraphStreamer | |
CLink | |
CNode | |
CVariableDependencyGraph | |
CDelegate | |
CSimpleInstructionInjector | |
►CDot | |
CAttrList | |
CGraph | |
CLink | |
CNode | |
►CVCD | |
CSignal | |
Cdependent_false | Simple helper struct to trigger static_assert only if the template is instantiated |
CWishboneSignalMap | |
CWishboneBus | Connects a wishbone bus interface implemented with the variables of WishboneSignalMap to a ETISS_System structure |
►Nmm | |
CDMMUWrapper | |
CDMMUWrapperSystem | |
CMMU | |
CPTE | Page Table Entry (PTE) defines the composition of Page Frame Number (PFN) and relavant flags |
CPTEFormat | |
CPTEFormatBuilder | Sigleton builder utility to build up customized PTE format |
CTLB | |
►Nplugin | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MemoryDevice.cpp} | |
CMapperSystem | |
►NerrorInjection | |
►CBlockAccurateHandler | Register error injection class |
CError | |
►Nfault | |
CSwitchSystem | |
►Ngdb | |
CPacketProtocol | Implements gdb's packet protocol |
CConnection | Interface for gdb connections |
CGDBCore | To architecture dependent registers as defined by gdb |
CBreakpointDB | Structure to store breakpoints |
CServer | Gdb server implementation that is used as a plugin in etiss |
CInstructionAccurateCallback | Writes the value of a field before each instruction |
►CInstructionSpecificAddressCallback | Simple plugin that prints the instruction and address when an instruction is executed |
CData | |
►CLogger | Simple logger implementation |
CCustomHandle | |
CMappedMemory | Represents a memory region that is associated with a MemMappedPeriph |
►CMemMappedPeriph | SystemWrapperPlugin to redirect data reads and writes to custom callbacks |
CCustomHandle | |
CMemoryDeviceMapper | |
CPrintInstruction | Simple plugin that prints the instruction and address when an instruction is executed |
CSelectiveSysWrapper | SystemWrapperPlugin that only wraps some of the System calls |
CVariableValueLogger | Writes the value of a field before each instruction |
CVirtualStructMemory | Allows to read/write to a virtual structure as if it is a memory |
CWrapSystem | |
►Nstring | |
Cform_string | |
CDefault_Clock | |
CBenchmark | |
CRegisterPart | Abstract description of needed or affected register bits |
►CRegisterSet | Set of register parts |
Clex_compare | Special comparison function that only takes register name into account |
CCodePart | Contains a small code snipped |
CCodeSet | A set of CodeParts |
►CCodeBlock | A list of CodeSets |
CLine | Equivalent of a translated instruction |
CCPUArchRegListenerInterface | Allows to inform plugins about changes to a register that is present in the cpu structure |
CCPUArchCPUManipulation | Interface for cpu structure access |
CCPUArchDefaultPlugins | Common basic plugins |
CCPUArch | Interface to translate instructions of and processor architecture |
►CCPUCore | CPUCore is responsible for the simulation of a CPU core in ETISS |
CInterruptVectorWrapper | |
CInitializer | Wrapper for the initialize and shutdown of the ETISS environment |
CpointerHash | |
►CFixedSizeHashMap | |
CEntry | |
CInterruptEnable | |
CMappedInterruptEnable | |
CInterruptHandler | Class that handles interrupt signaling and checking |
CInterruptVector | Interface to set interrupt bits |
CMappedInterruptVector | Template implementation of an InterruptVector that uses integer variables to store interrupt bit values and to read interrupt masks |
CJIT | Compiler interface for just in time compilation of generated C code |
CLibraryInterface | Interface class for libraries |
CToString | Marker interface for toString() support |
CSourceCodeLocation | Simple class that store source location information |
CConfiguration | Simple class to hold configuration options |
CConfigAnnouncer | Simple class to add a configuration option to the list of known options |
►CObjectPool | Prealloc_inc defines the number of objects that is availabe within ObjectPools memory; default: 100 |
Crebind | |
CExpandingNativeStack | Implements a stack that may only grow (if needed) and can only contain native types since no destructor / contructor / initialization is called |
CPlugin | Base plugin class that provides access to different plugin functions if present |
CInterruptListenerPlugin | |
CTranslationPlugin | Allows to add code to the translation of instructions |
CCoroutinePlugin | This plugin will be called before a block is executed |
CSystemWrapperPlugin | This plugin allows to wrap the ETISS_System interface |
CRegisterDevicePlugin | RegisterDevicePlugin::changedRegister is called if a supported register has been changed |
CRefCountedObject | Base refcount class |
CMemSegment | |
►CSimpleMemSystem | Simple etiss:System implementation for testing |
Cfind_fitting_mseg | |
CSystem | System Interface for the basic system IO operations and time synchronization |
CSimpleSystem | A simple system, that implements the etiss::System interface |
►CDataSheetAccurateTiming | |
CRule | |
CBlockLink | Structure to store additional information with a function pointer to the translated code |
CTranslation | |
►CVirtualStruct | Abstract representation of an module of a simulation which could be a embedded device of the cpu of an embedded device |
►CField | Field instance represents e.g |
CListener | NOTE: etiss::CPUArch should implement support for Listeners by either using the etiss::VirtualStruct::Field instance to write to listener supported field or it should call the signalWrite() functions of a Field |
Clistener_pair_compare | |
CFieldT | |
CVSSync | Used for synchronization of the tree of virtual structs |
CVirtualStructSupport | |
►Nget_metrics | |
CMemRange | |
►Npugi | |
Cxml_object_range | |
Cxml_writer | |
Cxml_writer_file | |
Cxml_writer_stream | |
Cxml_attribute | |
Cxml_node | |
Cxml_text | |
Cxml_node_iterator | |
Cxml_attribute_iterator | |
Cxml_named_node_iterator | |
Cxml_tree_walker | |
Cxml_parse_result | |
Cxml_document | |
Cxpath_parse_result | |
Cxpath_variable | |
Cxpath_variable_set | |
Cxpath_query | |
Cxpath_exception | |
Cxpath_node | |
Cxpath_node_set | |
Cxml_attribute_struct | A 'name=value' XML attribute structure |
Cxml_node_struct | An XML document tree node |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< std::pair< void const *, void const * > > | |
C_Unique_if | |
C_Unique_if< T[]> | |
C_Unique_if< T[N]> | |
C__clang_cuda_enable_if | |
C__clang_cuda_enable_if< true, __T > | |
C__cuda_builtin_blockDim_t | |
C__cuda_builtin_blockIdx_t | |
C__cuda_builtin_gridDim_t | |
C__cuda_builtin_threadIdx_t | |
C__hip_enable_if | |
C__hip_enable_if< true, __T > | |
C__sanitizer_sandbox_arguments | |
C_Unwind_Exception | |
Catomic_flag | |
Caxis_to_type | |
Cbuffer_holder | |
Cdfsan_label_info | Stores information associated with a specific label identifier |
Cdocument_order_comparator | |
Cduplicate_comparator | |
Cequal_to | |
CETISS_CPU | Basic cpu state structure needed for execution of any cpu architecture |
CETISS_GDBSystem | |
CETISS_System | Memory access and time synchronization functions |
CFuzzedDataProvider | |
Cgap | |
CGCCJIT | Compilation via gcc and load the compilation result with dlopen/dlsym functions |
Chelper_class_etiss_1 | Replaces __attribute__((destructor)) in a portable way |
Chelper_class_etiss_2 | Replaces __attribute__((destructor)) in a portable way |
Chelper_class_etiss_3 | Replaces __attribute__((destructor)) in a portable way |
Cint16x8x2_t | |
Cint16x8x4_t | |
Cint32x4x2_t | |
Cint32x4x4_t | |
Cint64x2x2_t | |
Cint64x2x4_t | |
Cint8x16x2_t | |
Cint8x16x4_t | |
CIntegratedLibrary | LibraryInterface implementation for integrated JIT/CPUArch/Plugin implementations |
Clatin1_writer | |
CLegacyRegisterDevicePluginListener | |
Cless | |
Cless_equal | |
Cmax_align_t | |
Cnamespace_uri_predicate | |
Cndrange_t | |
Cnot_equal_to | |
Comp_alloctrait_t | |
Comp_lock_t | |
Comp_nest_lock_t | |
Compd_address_t | |
Compd_device_type_sizes_t | |
Compd_frame_info_t | |
Compt_data_t | |
Compt_dependence_t | |
Compt_frame_t | |
Compt_record_abstract_t | |
Compt_record_cancel_t | |
Compt_record_control_tool_t | |
Compt_record_dependences_t | |
Compt_record_dispatch_t | |
Compt_record_flush_t | |
Compt_record_implicit_task_t | |
Compt_record_master_t | |
Compt_record_mutex_acquire_t | |
Compt_record_mutex_t | |
Compt_record_nest_lock_t | |
Compt_record_ompt_t | |
Compt_record_parallel_begin_t | |
Compt_record_parallel_end_t | |
Compt_record_sync_region_t | |
Compt_record_target_data_op_t | |
Compt_record_target_kernel_t | |
Compt_record_target_map_t | |
Compt_record_target_t | |
Compt_record_task_create_t | |
Compt_record_task_dependence_t | |
Compt_record_task_schedule_t | |
Compt_record_thread_begin_t | |
Compt_record_work_t | |
Compt_start_tool_result_t | |
Copt_false | |
Copt_true | |
COrcJit | |
CpcField_RV32IMACFD | |
CpcField_RV64IMACFD | |
CRegField_RV32IMACFD | Generated on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 10:16:12 +0200 |
CRegField_RV64IMACFD | Generated on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 10:16:12 +0200 |
CRV32IMACFD | Generated on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 10:16:12 +0200 |
CRV32IMACFDGDBCore | Generated on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 10:16:12 +0200 |
CRV64IMACFD | Generated on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 10:16:12 +0200 |
CRV64IMACFDGDBCore | Generated on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 10:16:12 +0200 |
Cstrconv_attribute_impl | |
Cstrconv_pcdata_impl | |
CTracePrinter | A simple logger dedicated to print PC trace |
Cuint16x8x2_t | |
Cuint16x8x4_t | |
Cuint32x4x2_t | |
Cuint32x4x4_t | |
Cuint64x2x2_t | |
Cuint64x2x4_t | |
Cuint8x16x2_t | |
Cuint8x16x4_t | |
Cutf16_counter | |
Cutf16_writer | |
Cutf32_counter | |
Cutf32_writer | |
Cutf8_counter | |
Cutf8_writer | |
Cutf_decoder | |
Cwchar_selector | |
Cwchar_selector< 2 > | |
Cwchar_selector< 4 > | |
Cxml_allocator | |
Cxml_buffered_writer | |
Cxml_document_struct | |
Cxml_extra_buffer | |
Cxml_memory_management_function_storage | |
Cxml_memory_page | |
Cxml_memory_string_header | |
Cxml_node_struct | |
Cxml_parser | |
Cxml_stream_chunk | |
Cxpath_allocator | |
Cxpath_allocator_capture | |
Cxpath_ast_node | |
Cxpath_context | |
Cxpath_lexer | |
Cxpath_lexer_string | |
Cxpath_memory_block | |
Cxpath_node_set_raw | |
►Cxpath_parser | |
Cbinary_op_t | |
Cxpath_query_impl | |
Cxpath_stack | |
Cxpath_stack_data | |
Cxpath_string | |
Cxpath_variable | |
Cxpath_variable_boolean | |
Cxpath_variable_node_set | |
Cxpath_variable_number | |
Cxpath_variable_string | |
CXRayBuffer | An XRayBuffer represents a section of memory which can be treated by log processing functions as bytes stored in the logging implementation's buffers |
CXRayLogImpl | A valid XRay logging implementation MUST provide all of the function pointers in XRayLogImpl when being installed through `__xray_set_log_impl` |