ETISS 0.8.0
Extendable Translating Instruction Set Simulator (version 0.8.0)
Go to the documentation of this file.
54 #include "etiss/LibraryInterface.h"
68 {
69  public:
70  IntegratedLibrary() : etiss::LibraryInterface("ETISSINCLUDED") {}
71  virtual std::string versionInfo() { return ETISS_VERSION_FULL; }
72  virtual unsigned countPlugins() { return ETISSINCLUDED_countPlugin(); }
73  virtual unsigned countCPUArchs() { return ETISSINCLUDED_countCPUArch(); }
74  virtual unsigned countJITs() { return ETISSINCLUDED_countJIT(); }
76  virtual std::string nameJIT(unsigned index)
77  {
78  const char *name = ETISSINCLUDED_nameJIT(index);
79  if (name != 0)
80  {
81  return std::string(name);
82  }
83  return std::string();
84  }
85  virtual std::string namePlugin(unsigned index)
86  {
87  const char *name = ETISSINCLUDED_namePlugin(index);
88  if (name != 0)
89  {
90  return std::string(name);
91  }
92  return std::string();
93  }
94  virtual std::string nameCPUArch(unsigned index)
95  {
96  const char *name = ETISSINCLUDED_nameCPUArch(index);
97  if (name != 0)
98  {
99  return std::string(name);
100  }
101  return std::string();
102  }
104  virtual etiss::JIT *createJIT(unsigned index, std::map<std::string, std::string> options)
105  {
106  return ETISSINCLUDED_createJIT(index, options);
107  }
108  virtual etiss::CPUArch *createCPUArch(unsigned index, std::map<std::string, std::string> options)
109  {
110  return ETISSINCLUDED_createCPUArch(index, options);
111  }
112  virtual etiss::Plugin *createPlugin(unsigned index, std::map<std::string, std::string> options)
113  {
114  return ETISSINCLUDED_createPlugin(index, options);
115  }
117  virtual void deleteJIT(etiss::JIT *o) { delete o; }
118  virtual void deleteCPUArch(etiss::CPUArch *o) { delete o; }
119  virtual void deletePlugin(etiss::Plugin *o) { delete o; }
120 };
122 std::shared_ptr<etiss::LibraryInterface> etiss::LibraryInterface::openIntegratedLibrary()
123 {
124  return std::shared_ptr<etiss::LibraryInterface>(new IntegratedLibrary());
125 }
defines the functions needed for a library that provides etiss::CPUArch implementations
ETISS_PLUGIN_EXPORT etiss::CPUArch std::map< std::string, std::string > options
create new instance of the CPUArch type at index
unsigned ETISSINCLUDED_countCPUArch()
unsigned ETISSINCLUDED_countPlugin()
etiss::Plugin * ETISSINCLUDED_createPlugin(unsigned index, std::map< std::string, std::string > options)
etiss::JIT * ETISSINCLUDED_createJIT(unsigned index, std::map< std::string, std::string > options)
etiss::CPUArch * ETISSINCLUDED_createCPUArch(unsigned index, std::map< std::string, std::string > options)
const char * ETISSINCLUDED_nameJIT(unsigned index)
const char * ETISSINCLUDED_nameCPUArch(unsigned index)
const char * ETISSINCLUDED_namePlugin(unsigned index)
defines the functions needed for a library that provides etiss::JIT implementations
class for simple library access.
defines the functions needed for a library that provides etiss::CPUArch implementations
LibraryInterface implementation for integrated JIT/CPUArch/Plugin implementations.
virtual std::string versionInfo()
simple version info string. intended to present information in a human readable way.
virtual std::string nameCPUArch(unsigned index)
virtual etiss::JIT * createJIT(unsigned index, std::map< std::string, std::string > options)
virtual void deleteCPUArch(etiss::CPUArch *o)
virtual unsigned countJITs()
virtual etiss::CPUArch * createCPUArch(unsigned index, std::map< std::string, std::string > options)
virtual void deleteJIT(etiss::JIT *o)
virtual etiss::Plugin * createPlugin(unsigned index, std::map< std::string, std::string > options)
virtual std::string nameJIT(unsigned index)
virtual unsigned countCPUArchs()
virtual unsigned countPlugins()
virtual std::string namePlugin(unsigned index)
virtual void deletePlugin(etiss::Plugin *o)
the interface to translate instructions of and processor architecture
Definition: CPUArch.h:162
compiler interface for just in time compilation of generated C code
Definition: JIT.h:67
interface class for libraries.
static std::shared_ptr< LibraryInterface > openIntegratedLibrary()
LibraryInterface(std::string name)
base plugin class that provides access to different plugin functions if present
Definition: Plugin.h:77
Definition: config.h:67
Page Table Entry (PTE) defines the composition of Page Frame Number (PFN) and relavant flags.
Definition: Benchmark.h:53