ETISS 0.8.0
Extendable Translating Instruction Set Simulator (version 0.8.0)
How to implement a plugin for ETISS

ETISS uses plugins to provide functionality beyond the simple simulation of instructions.

The etiss::plugin::gdb::Server plugin for example allows to debug simulated software and usually etiss::CPUArch implementations provide a plugin that implements timer functionality (see How to implement a cpu architecture for ETISS: Step 4)

The plugin interface has been split into different classes for performance reasons.The base class of all plugins is etiss::Plugin. Plugin subclasses inherit etiss::Plugin virtual, thus allowing to combine multiple plugin sub classes. A plugin should only inherit the plugin sub classes it needs.

Step 1: Decide which plugin sub classes to implement

The plugin base class (etiss::Plugin) defines an init and cleanup function which are called at the start and end of a simulation (NOTE: therefore a plugin may only be added to one running cpu core) Furthermore etiss::Plugin has 3 protected fields (etiss::Plugin::plugin_cpu_,etiss::Plugin::plugin_arch_,etiss::Plugin::plugin_system_) which hold the current ETISS_CPU,etiss::CPUArch and ETISS_System pointer. Those fields become valid just before the etiss::Plugin::init call and become invalid right after the etiss::Plugin::cleanup() call.

The following plugin classes are available:

Class Function(s) Description

void initInstrSet(etiss::instr::ModedInstructionSet & ) const;

void finalizeInstrSet(etiss::instr::ModedInstructionSet & ) const;

void initCodeBlock(etiss::CodeBlock & ) const;

void finalizeCodeBlock(etiss::CodeBlock & ) const;

void * getPluginHandle()
Allows to add code generation callbacks to the Instruction tree (etiss::instr::ModedInstructionSet,etiss::instr::VariableInstructionSet,etiss::instr::InstructionSet,etiss::instr::Instruction). etiss::TranslationPlugin::process also allows to edit a whole block of translated instructions. The pointer from etiss::TranslatorPlugin::getPluginHandle will be available in the translated code. The returned pointer can be read in the generated code by using the code snippet returned by getPointerCode() (e.g. std::string code = std::string("void * mypointer = ") + getPointerCode() + ";";).NOTE: these functions will only be called by ETISS while plugin_cpu_, plugin_arch_ and plugin_system_ are valid.
etiss::int32 execute()
etiss::Coroutine::execute will be called before a block of translated code gets executed. The returned code will be handled in the same way return codes from a translated Block are handled. See etiss/jit/ReturnCodes.h for global return codes. This function is usefull e.g. for periodical interrupt checks and signaling. The execute function may also read/manipulate the cpu structure since it is required to be consistent after a block. NOTE: this function will only be called by ETISS while plugin_cpu_, plugin_arch_ and plugin_system_ are valid.
ETISS_System * wrap(ETISS_CPU * cpu,ETISS_System * system)

ETISS_System * unwrap(ETISS_CPU * cpu,ETISS_System * system)
The wrap function allows to replace the ETISS_System structure.This is for example useful to wrap the original system in a logger system to view accesses or enforce breakpoints (see etiss::plugin::gdb::Server). IMPORTANT: etiss::SystemWrapperPlugin::wrap/etiss::SystemWrapperPlugin::unwrap functions are called BEFORE/AFTER plugin_cpu_, plugin_arch_ and plugin_system_ are valid and BEFORE/AFTER the init/cleanup calls.
void changedRegister (const char *name)
This plugin is notified about changes to a register. etiss::CPUArch::getListenerSupportedRegisters defines registers that trigger this call.NOTE: this function will only be called by ETISS while plugin_cpu_, plugin_arch_ and plugin_system_ are valid.

Step 2: Implement your plugin

For examples please have a look at the example Timer implementation for a etiss::CPUArch and at other plugins located in include/etiss/IntegratedLibrary and src/IntegratedLibrary

Step 3: Implement the loading interface

ETISS preferably loads plugins as a shared library at runtime. To do this it is necessary to implement some functions to find the plugin implementation(s).


// define a name for this library. this will be used to avoid name clashes with other libraries. in this example the library is named "X".
// IMPORTANT this name MUST match the library name: e.g. X ->
#include "etiss/helper/PluginLibrary.h" // defines the following functions
#include "" // include your plugin implementation header files
extern "C"{
unsigned X_etissversion(){
unsigned X_countPlugin(){
return 1; // number of plugins provided
const char * X_namePlugin(unsigned index){
switch (index){
case 0:
return "YOURPLUGIN";
return "";
etiss::Plugin* X_createPlugin(unsigned index,std::map<std::string,std::string> options){
switch (index){
case 0:
// parse arguments?
return new YOURPLUGIN();
return 0;
void X_deletePlugin(etiss::Plugin* arch){
delete arch;
defines the functions needed for a library that provides etiss::CPUArch implementations

Step 4: Build and run the Library

Finally a makefile is needed to build the new library as a shared library


ifeq ($(DEBUG),0)
CFLAGS=-std=c++0x -c -MMD -Wall -Werror -fPIC $(OPTLEVEL) $(DBGPARAM) -DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) -I$(ETISS_FOLDER)/include -I$(ETISS_FOLDER)/include_c
all :
XPluginLib.o: XPluginLib.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) XPluginLib.cpp
-include ./*.d : YOURPLUGIN.o XPluginLib.o
$(CC) -std=c++0x -shared -g -L$(ETISS_FOLDER) -dl -o YOURPLUGIN.o XPluginLib.o
clean :
rm -f *o
rm -f
__device__ __2f16 float c
uint32_t I
Definition: Instruction.h:80
int __ovld __cnfn all(char x)
Returns 1 if the most significant bit in all components of x is set; otherwise returns 0.

Once the shared library was build it is available in ETISS by default if placed in PluginImpl/X/ or can be loaded with void etiss::loadLibrary(std::string path,std::string name). Use etiss::listLibraries() and etiss::listPlugins() to view the status of loaded libraries.

Refer to Removing symbols from a shared library once the api of the new library is out of it's testing state or runtime linkage errors arise.