ETISS 0.8.0
Extendable Translating Instruction Set Simulator (version 0.8.0)
Go to the documentation of this file.
62 #include "etiss/Misc.h"
64 #include "etiss/CodePart.h"
66 #include <climits>
67 #include <cstring>
68 #include <iomanip>
69 #include <sstream>
70 #include <stdexcept>
71 #include <string>
72 #include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
74 namespace etiss
75 {
77 namespace instr
78 {
80 typedef uint32_t I;
82 class Instruction;
85 class InstructionClass;
86 class InstructionGroup;
92 class Buffer {
93 public:
94  I* d_;
95  unsigned intcount_;
96 public:
97  Buffer(): d_(nullptr), intcount_(0) {}
98  Buffer(const Buffer& o) : d_(new I[o.intcount_]), intcount_(o.intcount_){
99  *this = o;
100  }
102  o.d_ = nullptr;
103  }
104  Buffer(unsigned intcount) : d_(new I[intcount]), intcount_(intcount) {
105  for (unsigned i = 0; i < intcount_; i++) d_[i] = 0;
106  }
107  Buffer(unsigned intcount, I val) : Buffer(intcount) {
108  *d_ = val;
109  }
111  clear();
112  }
114  Buffer& operator=(const Buffer& o){
115  if (o.intcount_ != intcount_)
116  throw std::runtime_error("operator= called with incompatible bit array");
117  for (unsigned i = 0; i < intcount_; i++)
118  d_[i] = o.d_[i];
119  return *this;
120  }
123  clear();
124  intcount_ = o.intcount_;
125  d_ = o.d_;
126  o.d_ = nullptr;
127  return *this;
128  }
130  void clear(){
131  if(d_) delete[] d_;
132  }
138  char *internalBuffer();
142  unsigned internalBufferSize();
144  I data(){return *d_;}
149  void recoverFromEndianness(unsigned alignment, endian_t endianness);
150 };
155 typedef std::set<Instruction*> Node;
160 class BitArray : public boost::dynamic_bitset<>
161 {
162 private:
163  typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<> super;
164 public:
165  using super::dynamic_bitset;
166  BitArray(const super& a) : super(a){} // hack for parent's explicit constructors
171  unsigned byteCount() const;
175  unsigned intCount() const;
179  void set_value(size_type width, unsigned long value);
180  void set_value(unsigned long value);
184  BitArray get_range(size_type end, size_type start) const;
188  void set_range(unsigned long val, size_type end, size_type start);
195  static std::vector<BitArray> permutate(const BitArray& input, std::vector<size_type> indexes);
199  std::string to_string() const;
200 };
208 {
209 public:
211 private:
212  BitArray::size_type startpos;
214 public:
219  BitArrayRange(unsigned endindex_included, unsigned startindex_included);
225  I read(const BitArray& ba);
229  void write(BitArray &ba, I val);
239 };
271 class OPCode
272 {
273  public:
276  template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, T>::type>
283  OPCode(unsigned width, const T code, const T mask) : code_(width, code & mask), mask_(width, mask)
284  {
285 #if DEBUG
286  if ((code & mask) != code)
287  {
288  etiss::log(etiss::WARNING, "etiss::instr::OPCode constructed with mismatched code and mask");
289  }
290  if (width != 16 && width != 32 && width != 64 && width != 128 && width != 256)
291  {
292  etiss::log(etiss::VERBOSE, std::string("OPCode with unusual width: ") + toString(width) +
293  "[width must be given in bits and is usually 16,32,64,128,256 bits long]");
294  }
295 #endif
296  }
301  OPCode(const BitArray &code, const BitArray &mask);
306  OPCode(const OPCode &cpy);
312  bool operator<(const OPCode &o) const;
313  inline bool operator==(const OPCode &o) const { return !((*this < o) || (o < *this)); }
314  inline bool operator!=(const OPCode &o) const { return !((*this) == o); }
315 };
320 struct less
321 {
322  bool operator()(const OPCode *const &o1, const OPCode *const &o2) const;
323 };
337 {
339  public:
342  inline InstructionContext()
343  {
344  }
348  unsigned instr_width_;
355  unsigned &ufield(std::string name);
356  template <typename T>
362  uint64_t &ufield(const T &plugin, std::string name)
363  {
364  return lufields_[&plugin][name];
365  }
369  public:
371  // common fields
372  unsigned cf_delay_slot_;
374  private:
375  std::map<std::string, unsigned> ufields_;
377  std::map<void *, std::map<std::string, uint64_t>>
379 };
393 {
394  private:
395  std::list<std::tuple<std::function<bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)>, uint32_t,
396  std::set<uint32_t>>> callbacks_;
398  std::set<uint32_t> groups_;
399  std::function<std::string(BitArray &, Instruction &)> printer_;
400  public:
403  enum class BUILTINGROUP : uint32_t {
404  CPUTIMEUPDATE = 1 << 0
406  };
409  const OPCode opc_;
410  const std::string name_;
412  static std::string printASMSimple(BitArray &ba, Instruction &instr);
414  Instruction(const OPCode &opc, const std::string &name);
415  template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, T>::type>
416  Instruction(unsigned width, const T code, const T mask, const std::string &name)
417  : builtinGroups_(0), printer_(printASMSimple), width(width), opc_(OPCode(width, code, mask)), name_(name)
418  {
419  }
420  virtual std::string print(std::string indent, I pos, unsigned pfillwidth, bool printunused = false);
421  bool addCallback(std::function<bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)> callback,
422  uint32_t builtinGroups, const std::set<uint32_t> &groups = std::set<uint32_t>());
423  bool translate(BitArray &, CodeSet &cs, InstructionContext &context);
425  std::set<uint32_t> &presentGroups();
426  std::string printASM(BitArray &);
427  void setASMPrinter(std::function<std::string(BitArray &, Instruction &)> printer);
428  inline std::string toString() const { return name_; }
429 };
442 {
443  public:
446  VariableInstructionSet &parent_;
447  const std::string name_;
448  const unsigned width_;
449  const unsigned chunk_size;
450  InstructionSet(VariableInstructionSet &parent, unsigned width, const std::string &name, unsigned c_size=4);
451  ~InstructionSet();
453  Instruction *get(const OPCode &key);
454  Instruction &open(const OPCode &key, const std::string &name);
455  Instruction *create(const OPCode &key, const std::string &name);
457  template <typename T>
458  Instruction &open(T code, T val, const std::string &name)
459  {
460  return open(OPCode(width_, code, val), name);
461  }
463  bool compile();
464  bool compile(Node* node, BitArray code, Instruction* instr);
466  Instruction *resolve(BitArray &instr);
467  Instruction *resolve(Node* node, BitArray &instr);
469  std::string print(std::string prefix, bool printunused = false);
473  void foreach (std::function<void(Instruction &)> func);
475  size_t size();
477  inline std::string toString() const { return name_; }
479  private:
480  std::map<const OPCode *, Instruction *, etiss::instr::less> instrmap_;
482  Node** root_; // holds the entry of the bucket tree in decoding and compilition algorithm
485 };
500 {
501  private:
502  std::map<unsigned, InstructionSet *> ismap_;
504  public:
506  unsigned width_;
507  const std::string archname_;
510  public:
513  VariableInstructionSet(ModedInstructionSet &, unsigned width, const std::string &archname);
515  bool compile();
517  InstructionSet *get(unsigned width);
518  InstructionSet *create(unsigned width, const std::string &name = std::string());
519  InstructionSet &open(unsigned width, const std::string &name = std::string());
520  inline InstructionSet *getMain() { return get(width_); }
521  inline InstructionSet *createMain(const std::string &name = std::string()) { return create(width_); }
522  inline InstructionSet &openMain(const std::string &name = std::string()) { return open(width_); }
524  template <typename T>
525  Instruction &open(unsigned bits, T code, T mask, const char *name)
526  {
527 #if DEBUG
528  unsigned bytes = bits >> 3;
529  if (bytes * 8 != bits)
530  {
531  etiss_log(ERROR, "Invalid bit count");
532  throw std::runtime_error();
533  }
534 #endif
535  return open(bits).open<T>(bits, code, mask, std::string(name));
536  }
538  void foreach (std::function<void(InstructionSet &)> func);
540  std::string print(std::string prefix = std::string());
541 };
562 {
563  private:
564  std::map<uint32_t, std::string> modetostring_;
565  std::map<std::string, uint32_t> stringtomode_;
566  std::map<uint32_t, VariableInstructionSet *> vismap_;
567  std::map<VariableInstructionSet *, uint32_t> invvismap_;
569  public:
570  const std::string archname_;
572  public:
575  ModedInstructionSet(const std::string &name);
579  VariableInstructionSet *create(uint32_t mode, unsigned width, const std::string &name = std::string());
583  VariableInstructionSet &open(uint32_t mode, unsigned width, const std::string &name = std::string());
585  template <typename T>
586  Instruction &open(uint32_t mode, unsigned width, unsigned bits, T code, T mask, const char *instrname)
587  {
588  return open(mode, width).open<T>(bits, code, mask, instrname);
589  }
592  inline uint32_t getMode(VariableInstructionSet &vis) { return getMode(&vis); }
594  void foreach (std::function<void(VariableInstructionSet &)> call);
596  bool compile();
598  std::string print(std::string prefix = std::string());
599 };
605 {
606  private:
607  std::set<InstructionClass *> classes_;
608  template <typename... T>
609  void add(InstructionClass &klass, T &... args)
610  {
611  classes_.insert(&klass);
612  add(args...);
613  }
614  inline void add() {}
616  public:
619  const std::string name_; // e.g. ARMv6-M
620  template <typename... T>
621  inline InstructionCollection(const std::string &name, InstructionClass &class1, T &... otherclasses) : name_(name)
622  {
623  add(class1, otherclasses...);
624  }
625  inline void foreach (std::function<void(InstructionClass &)> call)
626  {
627  for (auto iter = classes_.begin(); iter != classes_.end(); iter++)
628  {
629  call(**iter);
630  }
631  }
632  void addTo(ModedInstructionSet &set, bool &ok);
633 };
638 {
639  private:
640  std::set<InstructionGroup *> groups_;
641  template <typename... T>
642  void add(InstructionGroup &group, T &... args)
643  {
644  groups_.insert(&group);
645  add(args...);
646  }
647  inline void add() {}
649  public:
650  const unsigned mode_; // e.g. 0 for ARM 1 for thumb
651  const std::string name_; // e.g. ARM
652  const unsigned width_; // most common read width (fastest)
653  public:
656  template <typename... T>
657  InstructionClass(unsigned mode, const std::string &name, unsigned width, InstructionGroup &group1,
658  T &... othergroups)
660  {
661  add(group1, othergroups...);
662  }
663  inline void foreach (std::function<void(InstructionGroup &)> call)
664  {
665  for (auto iter = groups_.begin(); iter != groups_.end(); iter++)
666  {
667  call(**iter);
668  }
669  }
670  void addTo(VariableInstructionSet &set, bool &ok);
671 };
677 {
678  friend class InstructionDefinition;
680  private:
681  std::set<InstructionDefinition *> defs_;
683  public:
684  const std::string name_; // e.g. thumb / thumb-2
685  const unsigned width_; // e.g. 16/32 bits
686  public:
689  inline InstructionGroup(const std::string &name, unsigned width)
690  : name_(name), width_(width)
691  {
692  }
693  inline void foreach (std::function<void(InstructionDefinition &)> call)
694  {
695  for (auto iter = defs_.begin(); iter != defs_.end(); iter++)
696  {
697  call(**iter);
698  }
699  }
700  void addTo(InstructionSet &set, bool &ok);
701  inline std::string toString() const { return name_; }
702 };
708 {
709  public:
711  const std::string name_;
712  const OPCode opc_;
713  const std::function<bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)> callback_;
714  const std::function<std::string(BitArray &, Instruction &)> ASMprinter_;
717  public:
720  template <typename T>
721  InstructionDefinition(InstructionGroup &ig, const std::string &name, T code, T mask,
722  std::function<bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)> callback,
723  uint32_t builtinGroups, std::function<std::string(BitArray &, Instruction &)> ASMprinter)
724  : group_(ig)
726  , opc_(ig.width_, code, mask)
730  {
731  if (!callback)
732  {
733  etiss_log(
735  (std::string(
736  "Instruction defined without a function callback: ") +
737  name));
738  return;
739  }
740  group_.defs_.insert(this);
741  }
743  {
744  // group_.defs_.erase(this); // removed since InstructionDefinition should not be deleted during execution
745  }
746  void addTo(Instruction &set, bool &ok);
747  inline std::string toString() const { return group_.name_ + ":" + name_; }
748 };
750 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
751 uint32_t operator"" _i32(const char *s);
752 #endif
754 uint32_t parse_i32(const char *s);
756 template <typename T_>
791 typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T_>::value, typename std::make_unsigned<T_>::type>::type parse_i(
792  const char *s, bool *good = 0)
793 {
794  if (good)
795  *good = true;
796  typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T_>::type U;
797  unsigned shifted = 0;
798  unsigned pos = 0;
799  int mode = 0;
800  U tmp = 0;
801  U ret = 0;
802  U mask = 0;
803  do
804  {
805  switch (mode)
806  {
807  case 0:
808  if (s[pos] >= '0' && s[pos] <= '9')
809  {
810  tmp = tmp * 10 + s[pos] - '0';
811  }
812  else if (s[pos] == 'x' || s[pos] == 'x')
813  {
814  mask = 0;
815  ret = ret << tmp;
816  shifted += tmp;
817  for (unsigned i = 0; i < tmp; i++)
818  mask = (mask << 1) | 1;
819  tmp = 0;
820  mode = 1;
821  }
822  else if (s[pos] == ' ' || s[pos] == '\t')
823  {
824  // ignore spaces
825  // TODO only ignore leading spaces
826  }
827  else
828  {
829  if (good)
830  *good = false;
831  etiss::log(etiss::ERROR, std::string("Failed to parse literal ") + s);
832  return (U)(T_)-1;
833  }
834  break;
835  case 1:
836  if (s[pos] >= '0' && s[pos] <= '9')
837  {
838  tmp = tmp * 16 + s[pos] - '0';
839  }
840  else if (s[pos] >= 'a' && s[pos] <= 'f')
841  {
842  tmp = tmp * 16 + s[pos] + 10 - 'a';
843  }
844  else if (s[pos] >= 'A' && s[pos] <= 'F')
845  {
846  tmp = tmp * 16 + s[pos] + 10 - 'A';
847  }
848  else if (s[pos] == ' ' || s[pos] == '\t' || s[pos] == 0)
849  {
850  // complain if hex is shorter than bit length?
851  ret = ret | (tmp & mask);
852  tmp = 0;
853  mode = 0;
854  }
855  else
856  {
857  if (good)
858  *good = false;
859  etiss::log(etiss::ERROR, std::string("Failed to parse literal ") + s);
860  return (U)(T_)-1;
861  }
862  }
863  } while (s[pos++] != 0);
865  if (shifted != 32)
866  {
867  if (good)
868  *good = false;
869  etiss::log(etiss::ERROR, std::string("Failed to parse literal due to invalid length: ") + s);
870  // return (U)(T_)-1; return the parsed value anyway
871  }
873  return ret;
874 }
876 } // namespace instr
878 } // namespace etiss
879 #endif
classes to hold code and additional information used for optimization of instruction translations
general configuration and logging
#define etiss_del_como(CLASS)
Definition: Misc.h:94
#define etiss_log(LEVEL, MSG)
Definition: Misc.h:83
__device__ __2f16 float bool s
static __inline__ uint32_t
Definition: arm_cde.h:25
static __inline__ uint64_t
Definition: arm_cde.h:31
A set of CodeParts.
Definition: CodePart.h:437
Marker interface for toString() support.
Definition: Misc.h:137
Reading through it will only return bits within the range.
Definition: Instruction.h:208
BitArray::size_type end()
lowest bit of the range (included).
BitArray::size_type start()
highest bit of the range (included)
etiss_del_como(BitArrayRange) private BitArray::size_type endpos
Definition: Instruction.h:210
void write(BitArray &ba, I val)
write the bit from the passed value starting at the lsb to the range.
I read(const BitArray &ba)
reads bits from the range to the return value starting at the lsb.
BitArrayRange(unsigned endindex_included, unsigned startindex_included)
stores a bit vector
Definition: Instruction.h:161
static std::vector< BitArray > permutate(const BitArray &input, std::vector< size_type > indexes)
permutates the given input at the specified indexes.
void set_value(size_type width, unsigned long value)
change the value the object is holding
BitArray get_range(size_type end, size_type start) const
get the interval [end, start]
BitArray(const super &a)
Definition: Instruction.h:166
unsigned byteCount() const
std::string to_string() const
string representation of the BitArray
unsigned intCount() const
boost::dynamic_bitset super
Definition: Instruction.h:163
void set_range(unsigned long val, size_type end, size_type start)
set the value to the interval [end, start]
Buffer for reading data from memory while instructions are being fetched.
Definition: Instruction.h:92
Buffer & operator=(const Buffer &o)
Definition: Instruction.h:114
Buffer(unsigned intcount)
Definition: Instruction.h:104
Buffer(const Buffer &o)
Definition: Instruction.h:98
unsigned internalBufferSize()
Definition: Instruction.cpp:73
Buffer & operator=(Buffer &&o)
Definition: Instruction.h:122
Buffer(unsigned intcount, I val)
Definition: Instruction.h:107
char * internalBuffer()
get the internal buffer
Definition: Instruction.cpp:69
Buffer(Buffer &&o)
Definition: Instruction.h:101
void recoverFromEndianness(unsigned alignment, endian_t endianness)
changes byte positions as needed to resove endiannes incompabilities after using the internal buffer ...
Definition: Instruction.cpp:78
maps to VariableInstructionSet
Definition: Instruction.h:638
void addTo(VariableInstructionSet &set, bool &ok)
void add(InstructionGroup &group, T &... args)
Definition: Instruction.h:642
const std::string unsigned InstructionGroup T & othergroups
Definition: Instruction.h:659
const std::string & name
Definition: Instruction.h:657
etiss_del_como(InstructionClass) template< typename... T > InstructionClass(unsigned mode
std::set< InstructionGroup * > groups_
Definition: Instruction.h:640
const std::string unsigned width
Definition: Instruction.h:657
const std::string unsigned InstructionGroup & group1
Definition: Instruction.h:657
maps to ModedInstructionSet
Definition: Instruction.h:605
void add(InstructionClass &klass, T &... args)
Definition: Instruction.h:609
etiss_del_como(InstructionCollection) const std InstructionCollection(const std::string &name, InstructionClass &class1, T &... otherclasses)
Definition: Instruction.h:621
void addTo(ModedInstructionSet &set, bool &ok)
std::set< InstructionClass * > classes_
Definition: Instruction.h:607
this class contains parameters that persist in between instruction lookpus/translation within a trans...
Definition: Instruction.h:337
std::map< std::string, unsigned > ufields_
additional fields that can be used by any plugin/architecture.
Definition: Instruction.h:375
uint64_t & ufield(const T &plugin, std::string name)
returns a persistent field
Definition: Instruction.h:362
uint64_t current_local_address_
address within the current block
Definition: Instruction.h:367
bool is_not_default_width_
if true the this instruction is not as long as the width of the variable instruction set
Definition: Instruction.h:346
bool force_block_end_
if true then the block ends after the current instruction.
Definition: Instruction.h:353
unsigned & ufield(std::string name)
std::map< void *, std::map< std::string, uint64_t > > lufields_
additonal fields that are local (private) to a plugin/architecture.
Definition: Instruction.h:378
bool instr_width_fully_evaluated_
if true the length_updater_ function will be called again after instr_width_ bits are available
Definition: Instruction.h:349
uint64_t current_address_
start address of current instruction
Definition: Instruction.h:366
etiss_del_como(InstructionContext) inline InstructionContext()
instruction context is initialized by etiss::Translation class
Definition: Instruction.h:340
bool force_append_next_instr_
if true then the block will continue with the next instruction and cannot be terminated
Definition: Instruction.h:351
const std::string T T std::function< bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)> uint32_t builtinGroups
Definition: Instruction.h:723
void addTo(Instruction &set, bool &ok)
const std::string T T std::function< bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)> callback
Definition: Instruction.h:722
const std::function< bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)> callback_
Definition: Instruction.h:713
const std::string T T std::function< bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)> uint32_t std::function< std::string(BitArray &, Instruction &)> ASMprinter
Definition: Instruction.h:725
const std::function< std::string(BitArray &, Instruction &)> ASMprinter_
Definition: Instruction.h:714
etiss_del_como(InstructionDefinition) template< typename T > InstructionDefinition(InstructionGroup &ig
maps to InstructionSet
Definition: Instruction.h:677
std::string toString() const
Definition: Instruction.h:701
etiss_del_como(InstructionGroup) inline InstructionGroup(const std
Definition: Instruction.h:687
void addTo(InstructionSet &set, bool &ok)
std::set< InstructionDefinition * > defs_
Definition: Instruction.h:681
holds etiss::instr::Instruction instances and handles automatic instruction tree creation.
Definition: Instruction.h:442
etiss_del_como(InstructionSet) VariableInstructionSet &parent_
std::map< const OPCode *, Instruction *, etiss::instr::less > instrmap_
Definition: Instruction.h:480
Instruction * resolve(Node *node, BitArray &instr)
Instruction * get(const OPCode &key)
std::string print(std::string prefix, bool printunused=false)
Instruction * resolve(BitArray &instr)
const std::string name_
Definition: Instruction.h:447
Instruction & open(T code, T val, const std::string &name)
Definition: Instruction.h:458
bool compile(Node *node, BitArray code, Instruction *instr)
std::string toString() const
Definition: Instruction.h:477
Instruction * create(const OPCode &key, const std::string &name)
Instruction & open(const OPCode &key, const std::string &name)
InstructionSet(VariableInstructionSet &parent, unsigned width, const std::string &name, unsigned c_size=4)
holds information and translation callbacks for an instruction.
Definition: Instruction.h:393
bool addCallback(std::function< bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)> callback, uint32_t builtinGroups, const std::set< uint32_t > &groups=std::set< uint32_t >())
std::set< uint32_t > & presentGroups()
bool translate(BitArray &, CodeSet &cs, InstructionContext &context)
uint32_t & presentBuiltinGroups()
void setASMPrinter(std::function< std::string(BitArray &, Instruction &)> printer)
Instruction(unsigned width, const T code, const T mask, const std::string &name)
Definition: Instruction.h:416
const std::string name_
Definition: Instruction.h:410
std::function< std::string(BitArray &, Instruction &)> printer_
Definition: Instruction.h:399
static std::string printASMSimple(BitArray &ba, Instruction &instr)
Instruction(const OPCode &opc, const std::string &name)
virtual std::string print(std::string indent, I pos, unsigned pfillwidth, bool printunused=false)
std::string printASM(BitArray &)
std::set< uint32_t > groups_
Definition: Instruction.h:398
std::list< std::tuple< std::function< bool(BitArray &, etiss::CodeSet &, InstructionContext &)>, uint32_t, std::set< uint32_t > > > callbacks_
Definition: Instruction.h:396
etiss_del_como(Instruction) enum class BUILTINGROUP const BitArray::size_type width
Definition: Instruction.h:401
std::string toString() const
Definition: Instruction.h:428
holds etiss::instr::VariableInstructionSet instances for different modes.
Definition: Instruction.h:562
std::string print(std::string prefix=std::string())
uint32_t getMode(VariableInstructionSet &vis)
Definition: Instruction.h:592
std::map< uint32_t, std::string > modetostring_
Definition: Instruction.h:564
Instruction & open(uint32_t mode, unsigned width, unsigned bits, T code, T mask, const char *instrname)
Definition: Instruction.h:586
VariableInstructionSet * create(uint32_t mode, unsigned width, const std::string &name=std::string())
std::map< VariableInstructionSet *, uint32_t > invvismap_
Definition: Instruction.h:567
VariableInstructionSet & open(uint32_t mode, unsigned width, const std::string &name=std::string())
uint32_t getMode(VariableInstructionSet *vis)
std::map< std::string, uint32_t > stringtomode_
Definition: Instruction.h:565
VariableInstructionSet * get(uint32_t mode)
std::map< uint32_t, VariableInstructionSet * > vismap_
Definition: Instruction.h:566
defines the relevant bits and their value to identify an instruction.
Definition: Instruction.h:272
bool operator!=(const OPCode &o) const
Definition: Instruction.h:314
OPCode(unsigned width, const T code, const T mask)
ctor that uses integral values for mask and code
Definition: Instruction.h:283
const BitArray code_
Definition: Instruction.h:274
bool operator==(const OPCode &o) const
Definition: Instruction.h:313
bool operator<(const OPCode &o) const
comparison operator for map/sets.
const BitArray mask_
Definition: Instruction.h:275
holds etiss::instr::InstructionSet instances with different bit widths.
Definition: Instruction.h:500
Instruction & open(unsigned bits, T code, T mask, const char *name)
Definition: Instruction.h:525
InstructionSet & open(unsigned width, const std::string &name=std::string())
std::string print(std::string prefix=std::string())
InstructionSet * get(unsigned width)
std::map< unsigned, InstructionSet * > ismap_
Definition: Instruction.h:502
InstructionSet * createMain(const std::string &name=std::string())
Definition: Instruction.h:521
unsigned const std::string & archname
Definition: Instruction.h:513
InstructionSet * create(unsigned width, const std::string &name=std::string())
InstructionSet & openMain(const std::string &name=std::string())
Definition: Instruction.h:522
etiss_del_como(VariableInstructionSet) VariableInstructionSet(ModedInstructionSet &
std::function< void(VariableInstructionSet &, InstructionContext &, BitArray &)> length_updater_
Definition: Instruction.h:508
std::set< Instruction * > Node
Holding unique instruction sets code chunks after permutation.
Definition: Instruction.h:155
BitArray::size_type size_type
Definition: Instruction.cpp:67
uint32_t I
Definition: Instruction.h:80
std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T_ >::value, typename std::make_unsigned< T_ >::type >::type parse_i(const char *s, bool *good=0)
this parser basically allows to write as a string hexadecimal values which will be appended as if it ...
Definition: Instruction.h:791
uint32_t parse_i32(const char *s)
Page Table Entry (PTE) defines the composition of Page Frame Number (PFN) and relavant flags.
Definition: Benchmark.h:53
std::string toString(const T &val)
conversion of type T to std::string.
Definition: Misc.h:174
Enumeration type for the endianness.
Definition: Misc.h:525
Definition: Misc.h:130
Definition: Misc.h:128
Definition: Misc.h:127
Definition: Misc.h:126
void log(Verbosity level, std::string msg)
write log message at the given level.
Definition: Misc.cpp:125
#define bool
Definition: stdbool.h:15
calls operator< of the objects.
Definition: Instruction.h:321
bool operator()(const OPCode *const &o1, const OPCode *const &o2) const