Source code for m2isar.metamodel.code_info

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2024
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum, auto

[docs] class LineInfoPlacement(Enum):
[docs] AFTER = auto()
[docs] BEFORE = auto()
[docs] class CodeInfoBase: """Base class for tracking code info."""
[docs] id: int = field(init=False)
"""Automatically calculated unique ID for tracking purposes in consumer programs."""
[docs] file_path: str
[docs] start_chr: int
[docs] stop_chr: int
[docs] start_line_no: int
[docs] stop_line_no: int
[docs] __id_counter = 0
[docs] database = {}
"""A global database of all created CodeInfo objects."""
[docs] def __post_init__(self): = CodeInfoBase.__id_counter CodeInfoBase.__id_counter += 1 CodeInfoBase.database[] = self
[docs] def line_eq(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.file_path == other.file_path and \ self.start_line_no == other.start_line_no #and \ #self.stop_line_no == other.stop_line_no return NotImplemented
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(
[docs] def line_hash(self): return hash((self.file_path, self.start_line_no, self.stop_line_no))
[docs] class LineInfo(CodeInfoBase):
[docs] placement: LineInfoPlacement = LineInfoPlacement.AFTER
[docs] class FunctionInfo(CodeInfoBase):
[docs] fn_name: str
[docs] class LineInfoFactory: """Factory class to create non-overlapping LineInfo objects."""
[docs] tracker = {}
[docs] def make(cls, file_path, start_chr, stop_chr, start_line_no, stop_line_no, placement=LineInfoPlacement.AFTER): ret = cls.tracker.get((file_path, start_chr, stop_chr)) if ret is None: ret = LineInfo(file_path, start_chr, stop_chr, start_line_no, stop_line_no, placement) cls.tracker[(file_path, start_chr, stop_chr)] = ret return ret
[docs] class FunctionInfoFactory: """Factory class to create non-overlapping FunctionInfo objects."""
[docs] tracker = {}
[docs] def make(cls, file_path, start_chr, stop_chr, start_line_no, stop_line_no, fn_name): ret = cls.tracker.get((file_path, start_chr, stop_chr)) if ret is None: ret = FunctionInfo(file_path, start_chr, stop_chr, start_line_no, stop_line_no, fn_name) cls.tracker[(file_path, start_chr, stop_chr)] = ret return ret