Source code for m2isar

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

"""This is the top-level M2-ISA-R package. The project is divided into three major parts:

* :mod:`m2isar.metamodel`, the metamodel classes and helpers.
* :mod:`m2isar.backends`, consumers of M2-ISA-R models. Provided are an architecture plugin
  generator for ETISS and a graphical tool to inspect M2-ISA-R models.
* :mod:`m2isar.frontends`, producers of M2-ISA-R models. Currently provided is a parser for
  CoreDSL 2 ISA models.

from import Iterable

[docs] class M2Error(Exception): pass
[docs] class M2ValueError(ValueError, M2Error): pass
[docs] class M2NameError(NameError, M2Error): pass
[docs] class M2DuplicateError(M2NameError): pass
[docs] class M2TypeError(TypeError, M2Error): pass
[docs] class M2SyntaxError(SyntaxError, M2Error): pass
[docs] def flatten(xs): for x in xs: if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes)): yield from flatten(x) else: yield x