Source code for m2isar.metamodel

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

"""This module contains the M2-ISA-R metamodel classes to build an ISA from. The M2-ISA-R
metamodel is split into two submodules, one for architectural description, one for the behavioral

Also included are preprocessing functions, mostly to simplify a model and to extract information
about scalar and function staticness as well as exceptions.

Any model traversal should use the :func:`patch_model` function and a module including the needed
transformations. :func:`patch_model` monkey patches transformation functions into the classes of the
behavior model, therefore separating model code from transformation code. For examples on how
these transformation functions look like, see either the modules in :mod:`m2isar.metamodel.utils`
or the main code generation module :mod:`m2isar.backends.etiss.instruction_transform`. For a description
of the monkey patching, see :func:`patch_model`.

Usually a M2-ISA-R behavioral model is traversed from top to bottom. Necessary contextual
information is passed to lower levels by a user-defined `context` object. Each object should then
generate a piece of output (e.g. c-code for ETISS) and return it to its parent. Value passing between
generation functions is completely user-defined, :mod:`m2isar.backends.etiss.instruction_transform`
uses complex objects in lower levels of translation and switches to strings for the two highest levels of
the hierarchy.

import inspect
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass

from . import arch, behav, code_info

[docs] def patch_model(module): """Monkey patch transformation functions inside `module` into :mod:`m2isar.metamodel.behav` classes Transformation functions must have a specific signature for this to work: `def transform(self: <behav Class>, context: Any)` where `<behav Class>` is the class in :mod:`m2isar.metamodel.behav` which this transformation is associated with. Context can be any user-defined object to keep track of additional contextual information, if needed. """ logger = logging.getLogger("patch_model") for _, fn in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction): sig = inspect.signature(fn) param = sig.parameters.get("self") if not param: continue if not param.annotation: raise ValueError(f"self parameter not annotated correctly for {fn}") if not issubclass(param.annotation, behav.BaseNode): raise TypeError(f"self parameter for {fn} has wrong subclass") logger.debug("patching %s with fn %s", param.annotation, fn) param.annotation.generate = fn
[docs] intrinsic_defs = [ arch.Intrinsic("__encoding_size", 16, arch.DataType.U) ]
[docs] intrinsics = { x for x in intrinsic_defs}
#@property #def intrinsics(): # return { x for x in intrinsic_defs} @dataclass
[docs] class M2Model:
[docs] model_version: int
[docs] models: "dict[str, arch.CoreDef]"
[docs] code_infos: "dict[int, code_info.CodeInfoBase]"
[docs] def __post_init__(self): self.line_infos: dict[int, code_info.LineInfo] = {} self.function_infos: dict[int, code_info.FunctionInfo] = {} for idx, c in self.code_infos.items(): if isinstance(c, code_info.LineInfo): self.line_infos[idx] = c elif isinstance(c, code_info.FunctionInfo): self.function_infos[idx] = c