Source code for m2isar.metamodel.behav

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

"""This module contains classes for modeling the behavioral part
of an M2-ISA-R model, this means the functional behavior of functions
and instructions. Behavior is modeled as a tree of instances of the classes
in this module. This object tree can then be traversed with transformation
functions to generate code or transform the tree.

All classes in this module should inherit from :class:`BaseNode`, but never implement
the `generate` method here. This method is dynamically overwritten during runtime depending
on which translation module is loaded using :func:`patch_model`.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

	from .arch import (BitFieldDescr, Constant, FnParam, Function, Intrinsic,
	                   Memory, Scalar)
	from .code_info import LineInfo

# pylint: disable=abstract-method

[docs] class BaseNode: """The base class for all behavior model classes. Only implements an empty generate function which raises a :exc:`NotImplementedError` if it is not overridden.""" def __init__(self, line_info: "LineInfo"=None) -> None:
[docs] self.line_info = line_info
[docs] def generate(self, context): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class CodeLiteral(BaseNode): def __init__(self, val, line_info=None) -> None: super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.val = val
[docs] class Operator(BaseNode): """Class representing an operator (of either a :class:`.UnaryOperation` or a :class:`.BinaryOperation`).""" def __init__(self, op: str, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.value = op
[docs] class Operation(BaseNode): """Top-level collection class containing a list of actual operations.""" def __init__(self, statements: "list[BaseNode]", line_info=None) -> None: super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.statements = statements
[docs] class Block(Operation): """A seperated code block"""
[docs] class BinaryOperation(BaseNode): """A binary operation with a left-hand and a right-hand operand as well as an operator.""" def __init__(self, left: BaseNode, op: Operator, right: BaseNode, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.left = left
[docs] self.op = op
[docs] self.right = right
[docs] class SliceOperation(BaseNode): """A slicing operation for extracting bit runs from scalar values.""" def __init__(self, expr: BaseNode, left: BaseNode, right: BaseNode, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.expr = expr
[docs] self.left = left
[docs] self.right = right
[docs] class ConcatOperation(BaseNode): """A concatenating operation.""" def __init__(self, left: BaseNode, right: BaseNode, line_info=None) -> None: super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.left = left
[docs] self.right = right
[docs] class NumberLiteral(BaseNode): """A class holding a generic number literal.""" def __init__(self, value, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.value = value
[docs] class IntLiteral(NumberLiteral): """A more precise class holding only integer literals.""" def __init__(self, value: int, bit_size: int=None, signed: bool=None, line_info=None): super().__init__(value, line_info) if bit_size is None: self.bit_size = value.bit_length() else: self.bit_size = bit_size
[docs] self.bit_size = max(1, self.bit_size)
if signed is None: self.signed = value <= 0 else: self.signed = signed
[docs] class Assignment(BaseNode): """An assignment statement.""" def __init__(self, target: BaseNode, expr: BaseNode, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] = target
[docs] self.expr = expr
[docs] class Conditional(BaseNode): """A conditional statement with multiple conditions and statement blocks. Each statement block has a corresponding condition statement. The exception from this is the very last statement block, which when no corresponding condition is present is treated as an else statement. """ def __init__(self, conds: "list[BaseNode]", stmts: "list[BaseNode]", line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.conds = conds
[docs] self.stmts = stmts
[docs] class Loop(BaseNode): """A loop statement, representing while and do .. while loops. `post_test` differentiates between normal while (post_test = False) and do .. while (post_test=True) loops.""" def __init__(self, cond: BaseNode, stmts: "list[BaseNode]", post_test: bool, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.cond = cond
[docs] self.stmts = stmts if stmts is not None else []
[docs] self.post_test = post_test
[docs] class Ternary(BaseNode): """A ternary expression.""" def __init__(self, cond: BaseNode, then_expr: BaseNode, else_expr: BaseNode, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.cond = cond
[docs] self.then_expr = then_expr
[docs] self.else_expr = else_expr
[docs] class ScalarDefinition(BaseNode): """A scalar declaration without initialization. To initialize the scalar while declaring it, use the scalar definition as LHS of an assignment statement. """ def __init__(self, scalar: "Scalar", line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.scalar = scalar
[docs] class Return(BaseNode): """A return expression.""" def __init__(self, expr: BaseNode, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.expr = expr
[docs] class Break(BaseNode): """A break statement."""
[docs] class UnaryOperation(BaseNode): """An unary operation, whith an operator and a right hand operand.""" def __init__(self, op: Operator, right: BaseNode, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.op = op
[docs] self.right = right
[docs] class NamedReference(BaseNode): """A named reference to a :class:`arch.Memory`, BitFieldDescr, Scalar, Constant or FnParam.""" def __init__(self, reference: Union["Memory", "BitFieldDescr", "Scalar", "Constant", "FnParam", "Intrinsic"], line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.reference = reference
[docs] class IndexedReference(BaseNode): """An indexed reference to a :class:`..arch.Memory`. Can optionally specify a range of indices using the `right` parameter.""" def __init__(self, reference: "Memory", index: BaseNode, right: BaseNode=None, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.reference = reference
[docs] self.index = index
[docs] self.right = right
[docs] class TypeConv(BaseNode): """A type conversion. Size can be None, in this case only the signedness is affected.""" def __init__(self, data_type, size, expr: BaseNode, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.data_type = data_type
[docs] self.size = size
[docs] self.expr = expr
if self.size is not None: self.actual_size = 1 << (self.size - 1).bit_length() self.actual_size = max(self.actual_size, 8) else: self.actual_size = None
[docs] class Callable(BaseNode): """A generic invocation of a callable.""" def __init__(self, ref_or_name: Union[str, "Function"], args: "list[BaseNode]", line_info=None) -> None: super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.ref_or_name = ref_or_name
[docs] self.args = args if args is not None else []
[docs] class FunctionCall(Callable): """A function (method with return value) call."""
[docs] class ProcedureCall(Callable): """A procedure (method without return value) call."""
[docs] class Group(BaseNode): """A group of expressions, used e.g. for parenthesized expressions.""" def __init__(self, expr: BaseNode, line_info=None): super().__init__(line_info)
[docs] self.expr = expr