Source code for m2isar.metamodel.arch

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

"""This module contains classes for modeling the architectural part
of an M2-ISA-R model. The architectural part is anything but the functional
behavior of functions and instructions.

import dataclasses
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, auto
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Union

from .. import M2TypeError
from .behav import BaseNode, Operation

	from .code_info import FunctionInfo

[docs] def get_const_or_val(arg) -> int: if isinstance(arg, Constant): return arg.value if isinstance(arg, BaseNode): return arg.generate(None) return arg
[docs] class Named: """A simple base class for a named object."""
[docs] name: str
"""The name of the object.""" def __init__(self, name: str): = name
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f'<{type(self).__name__} object>: name={}'
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<{type(self).__name__} object>: name={}'
[docs] ValOrConst = Union[int, "Constant"]
[docs] class SizedRefOrConst(Named): """A simple base class for an object with a name and a size. Size can be either an int, a Constant or a statically resolvable expression, expressed by a BaseNode. """
[docs] _size: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"]
"""The size of the object""" def __init__(self, name, size: ValOrConst): self._size = size super().__init__(name) @property
[docs] def size(self) -> int: """Returns the resolved size, by calling get_const_or_val on _size.""" return get_const_or_val(self._size)
[docs] def actual_size(self): """Returns the bits needed in multiples of eight to represent the resolved size of the object. """ if self.size is None: return None temp = 1 << (self.size - 1).bit_length() return temp if temp >= 8 else 8
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{super().__str__()}, size={self.size}, actual_size={self.actual_size}'
[docs] class Constant(SizedRefOrConst): """An object holding a constant value. Should have a value at some point, also holds attributes and signedness information. """
[docs] _value: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"]
"""The value this object holds. Can be an int, another constant or a statically resolvable BaseNode."""
[docs] attributes: "dict[ConstAttribute, list[BaseNode]]"
"""A dictionary of attributes, mapping attribute type to a list of attribute arguments."""
[docs] signed: bool
"""The signedness of this constant.""" def __init__(self, name, value: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"], attributes: "dict[ConstAttribute, list[BaseNode]]", size=None, signed=False): self._value = value self.attributes = attributes if attributes else {} self.signed = signed super().__init__(name, size) @property
[docs] def value(self): """Returns the resolved value this constant holds.""" return get_const_or_val(self._value)
@value.setter def value(self, value): self._value = value
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{super().__str__()}, value={self.value}'
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{super().__repr__()}, value={self.value}'
[docs] class RangeSpec: """A class holding a range to denote a range of indices or width of a memory bank."""
[docs] _upper_base: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"]
"""The upper bound of the range. Can be an int, a constant or a statically resolvable BaseNode."""
[docs] _lower_base: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"]
"""The lower bound of the range. Can be an int, a constant or a statically resolvable BaseNode."""
[docs] _upper_power: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"]
"""Obsolete, do not use"""
[docs] _lower_power: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"]
"""Obsolete, do not use""" def __init__(self, upper_base: ValOrConst, lower_base: ValOrConst=None, upper_power: ValOrConst=1, lower_power: ValOrConst=1): self._upper_base = upper_base self._lower_base = lower_base self._upper_power = upper_power self._lower_power = lower_power @property
[docs] def upper_power(self): """Returns the resolved upper bound power.""" return get_const_or_val(self._upper_power)
[docs] def lower_power(self): """Returns the resolved lower bound power.""" return get_const_or_val(self._lower_power)
[docs] def upper_base(self): """Returns the resolved upper bound base.""" return get_const_or_val(self._upper_base)
[docs] def lower_base(self): """Returns the resolved lower bound base.""" return get_const_or_val(self._lower_base)
[docs] def upper(self) -> Union[int, None]: """Returns the resolved upper power.""" if self.upper_base is None or self.upper_power is None: return None ret = self.upper_base ** self.upper_power if self.lower_base is None or self.lower_power is None: return ret - 1 return ret
[docs] def lower(self) -> int: """Returns the resolved lower power.""" if self.lower_base is None or self.lower_power is None: return 0 return self.lower_base ** self.lower_power
[docs] def length(self): """Returns the length of the range using following algorithm: if self.upper is None: return None elif self.lower is None: return self.upper else return self.upper - self.lower + 1 """ if self.upper is None: return None if self.lower is None: return self.upper return self.upper - self.lower + 1
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f'<RangeSpec object>, len {self.length}: {self.upper_base}:{self.lower_base}'
[docs] class MemoryAttribute(Enum):
[docs] IS_PC = auto()
[docs] IS_MAIN_MEM = auto()
[docs] IS_MAIN_REG = auto()
[docs] DELETE = auto()
[docs] ETISS_CAN_FAIL = auto()
[docs] ETISS_IS_GLOBAL_IRQ_EN = auto()
[docs] ETISS_IS_IRQ_EN = auto()
[docs] ETISS_IS_IRQ_PENDING = auto()
[docs] ETISS_IS_PROCNO = auto()
[docs] class ConstAttribute(Enum):
[docs] IS_REG_WIDTH = auto()
[docs] IS_ADDR_WIDTH = auto()
[docs] class InstrAttribute(Enum):
[docs] NO_CONT = auto()
[docs] COND = auto()
[docs] FLUSH = auto()
[docs] SIM_EXIT = auto()
[docs] ENABLE = auto()
[docs] class FunctionAttribute(Enum):
[docs] ETISS_STATICFN = auto()
[docs] ETISS_NEEDS_ARCH = auto()
[docs] ETISS_TRAP_ENTRY_FN = auto()
[docs] class FunctionThrows(IntEnum):
[docs] NO = 0
[docs] YES = 1
[docs] MAYBE = 2
[docs] class DataType(Enum):
[docs] NONE = auto()
[docs] U = auto()
[docs] S = auto()
[docs] F = auto()
[docs] D = auto()
[docs] Q = auto()
[docs] B = auto()
[docs] class DataType2: """A datatype base class, only holds information on whether it is a pointer."""
[docs] ptr: Any
def __init__(self, ptr) -> None: self.ptr = ptr
[docs] class VoidType(DataType2): """A void datatype, automatically assumes native size."""
[docs] class IntegerType(DataType2): """An integer datatype with width and sign information."""
[docs] _width: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"]
[docs] signed: bool
def __init__(self, width: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"], signed: bool, ptr): self._width = width self.signed = signed super().__init__(ptr) @property
[docs] def width(self): """Returns the resolved width value.""" return get_const_or_val(self._width)
[docs] def actual_width(self): """Returns the resolved width value rounded to the nearest multiple of 8.""" if self._width is None: return None temp = 1 << (self.width - 1).bit_length() return temp if temp >= 8 else 8
[docs] class FnParam(SizedRefOrConst): """A function parameter."""
[docs] data_type: DataType
[docs] _width: Union[int, "Constant", "BaseNode"]
"""The array width of this parameter.""" def __init__(self, name, size, data_type: DataType, width=1): self.data_type = data_type self._width = width super().__init__(name, size) @property
[docs] def width(self): """Returns the resolved array width value.""" return get_const_or_val(self._width)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{super().__str__()}, data_type={self.data_type}'
[docs] class Scalar(SizedRefOrConst): """A scalar variable object, used mainly in behavior descriptions."""
[docs] value: int
[docs] static: bool
[docs] data_type: DataType
def __init__(self, name, value: int, static: bool, size, data_type: DataType): self.value = value self.static = static self.data_type = data_type super().__init__(name, size)
[docs] class Intrinsic(SizedRefOrConst):
[docs] value: int
[docs] data_type: DataType
def __init__(self, name, size: ValOrConst, data_type: DataType, value: int = None): self.data_type = data_type self.value = value super().__init__(name, size)
[docs] class Memory(SizedRefOrConst): """A generic memory object. Can have children, which alias to specific indices of their parent memory. Has a variable array size, can therefore represent both scalar and array registers and/or memories. """
[docs] attributes: "dict[MemoryAttribute, list[BaseNode]]"
[docs] range: RangeSpec
[docs] children: "list[Memory]"
[docs] parent: Union['Memory', None]
[docs] _initval: "dict[int, Union[int, Constant, BaseNode]]"
def __init__(self, name, range_: RangeSpec, size, attributes: "dict[MemoryAttribute, list[BaseNode]]"): self.attributes = attributes if attributes else {} self.range = range_ self.children = [] self.parent = None self._initval = {} super().__init__(name, size)
[docs] def initval(self, idx=None): """Return the initial value for the given index.""" return get_const_or_val(self._initval[idx])
[docs] def data_range(self): """Returns a RangeSpec object with upper=range.upper-range.lower, lower=0.""" if self.range.upper is None or self.range.lower is None: return None return RangeSpec(self.range.upper - self.range.lower, 0)
[docs] def is_pc(self): """Return true if this memory is tagged as being the program counter.""" return MemoryAttribute.IS_PC in self.attributes
[docs] def is_main_mem(self): """Return true if this memory is tagged as being the main memory array.""" return MemoryAttribute.IS_MAIN_MEM in self.attributes
[docs] class BitVal: """A class representing a fixed bit sequence in an instruction encoding. Modeled as length and integral value. """
[docs] length: int
[docs] value: int
[docs] class BitField(Named): """A class representing an operand in an instruction encoding. Can be split into multiple parts, if the operand is split over two or more bit ranges. """
[docs] range: RangeSpec
[docs] data_type: DataType
def __init__(self, name, _range: RangeSpec, data_type: DataType): self.range = _range self.data_type = data_type if not self.data_type: self.data_type = DataType.U super().__init__(name)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{super().__repr__()}, range={self.range}, data_type={self.data_type}'
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class BitFieldDescr(SizedRefOrConst): """A class representing a full instruction operand. Has no information about the actual bits it is composed of, for that use BitField. """ def __init__(self, name, size: ValOrConst, data_type: DataType):
[docs] self.data_type = data_type
super().__init__(name, size)
[docs] class Instruction(SizedRefOrConst): """A class representing an instruction."""
[docs] attributes: "dict[InstrAttribute, list[BaseNode]]"
[docs] encoding: "list[Union[BitField, BitVal]]"
[docs] disass: str
[docs] operation: Operation
[docs] ext_name: str
[docs] fields: "dict[str, BitFieldDescr]"
[docs] scalars: "dict[str, Scalar]"
[docs] throws: bool
[docs] mask: int
[docs] code: int
def __init__(self, name, attributes: "dict[InstrAttribute, list[BaseNode]]", encoding: "list[Union[BitField, BitVal]]", disass: str, operation: Operation, function_info: "FunctionInfo"): self.ext_name = "" self.attributes = attributes if attributes else {} self.encoding = encoding self.fields: "dict[str, BitFieldDescr]" = {} self.scalars = {} self.disass = disass self.operation = operation if operation is not None else Operation([]) self.throws = False
[docs] self.function_info = function_info
self.mask = 0 self.code = 0 super().__init__(name, 0) for e in reversed(self.encoding): if isinstance(e, BitField): self._size += e.range.length if in self.fields: f = self.fields[] if f.data_type != e.data_type: raise M2TypeError(f'non-matching datatypes for BitField {} in instruction {name}') if e.range.upper + 1 > f._size: f._size = e.range.upper + 1 else: f = BitFieldDescr(, e.range.upper + 1, e.data_type) self.fields[] = f else: self.mask |= (2**e.length - 1) << self._size self.code |= e.value << self._size self._size += e.length
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: code_and_mask = f'code={self.code:#0{self.size+2}x}, mask={self.mask:#0{self.size+2}x}' return f'{super().__str__()}, ext_name={self.ext_name}, {code_and_mask}'
[docs] class Function(SizedRefOrConst): """A class representing a function."""
[docs] attributes: "dict[FunctionAttribute, list[BaseNode]]"
[docs] data_type: DataType
[docs] args: "list[FnParam]"
[docs] operation: "Operation"
[docs] extern: bool
[docs] ext_name: str
[docs] scalars: "dict[str, Scalar]"
[docs] throws: bool
[docs] static: bool
def __init__(self, name, attributes: "dict[FunctionAttribute, list[BaseNode]]", return_len, data_type: DataType, args: "list[FnParam]", operation: "Operation", extern: bool=False, function_info: "FunctionInfo"=None): self.ext_name = "" self.data_type = data_type self.attributes = attributes if attributes else {} self.scalars = {} self.throws = False if args is None: args = [] self.args: "dict[str, FnParam]" = {}
[docs] self.function_info = function_info
for idx, arg in enumerate(args): if is None: arg_name = f"anon_{idx}" else: arg_name = self.args[arg_name] = arg self.operation = operation if operation is not None else Operation([]) self.static = False self.extern = extern super().__init__(name, return_len)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{super().__str__()}, data_type={self.data_type}'
[docs] def extract_memory_alias(memories: "list[Memory]"): """Extract and separate parent and children memories from the given list of memory objects.""" parents = {} aliases = {} for m in memories: for c in m.children: aliases[] = c p, a = extract_memory_alias(m.children) parents.update(p) aliases.update(a) if m.parent is None: parents[] = m return parents, aliases
[docs] class AlwaysBlock(Named):
[docs] attributes: "dict[FunctionAttribute, list[BaseNode]]"
[docs] operation: "Operation"
def __init__(self, name: str, attributes, operation): self.attributes = attributes self.operation = operation super().__init__(name)
[docs] class InstructionSet(Named): """A class representing an InstructionSet collection. Bundles constants, memories, functions and instructions under a common name. """ def __init__(self, name, extension: "list[str]", constants: "dict[str, Constant]", memories: "dict[str, Memory]", functions: "dict[str, Function]", instructions: "dict[tuple[int, int], Instruction]"):
[docs] self.extension = extension
[docs] self.constants = constants
self.memories, self.memory_aliases = extract_memory_alias(memories.values())
[docs] self.functions = functions
[docs] self.instructions = instructions
[docs] class CoreDef(Named): """A class representing an entire CPU core. Contains the collected attributes of multiple InstructionSets.""" def __init__(self, name, contributing_types: "list[str]", template: str, constants: "dict[str, Constant]", memories: "dict[str, Memory]", memory_aliases: "dict[str, Memory]", functions: "dict[str, Function]", instructions: "dict[tuple[int, int], Instruction]", instr_classes: "set[int]", intrinsics: "dict[str, Intrinsic]"):
[docs] self.contributing_types = contributing_types
[docs] self.template = template
[docs] self.constants = constants
[docs] self.memories = memories
[docs] self.memory_aliases = memory_aliases
[docs] self.functions = functions
[docs] self.instructions = instructions
[docs] self.instr_classes = instr_classes
[docs] self.main_reg_file = None
[docs] self.main_memory = None
[docs] self.pc_memory = None
[docs] self.global_irq_en_memory = None
[docs] self.global_irq_en_mask = None
[docs] self.procno_memory = None
[docs] self.irq_en_memory = None
[docs] self.irq_pending_memory = None
[docs] self.intrinsics = intrinsics
[docs] self.instructions_by_ext = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] self.functions_by_ext = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] self.instructions_by_class = defaultdict(dict)
for (code, mask), instr_def in self.instructions.items(): self.instructions_by_ext[instr_def.ext_name][(code, mask)] = instr_def self.instructions_by_class[instr_def.size][(code, mask)] = instr_def for fn_name, fn_def in self.functions.items(): self.functions_by_ext[fn_def.ext_name][fn_name] = fn_def for mem in itertools.chain(self.memories.values(), self.memory_aliases.values()): if MemoryAttribute.IS_MAIN_REG in mem.attributes: self.main_reg_file = mem elif MemoryAttribute.IS_PC in mem.attributes: self.pc_memory = mem elif MemoryAttribute.IS_MAIN_MEM in mem.attributes: self.main_memory = mem elif MemoryAttribute.ETISS_IS_GLOBAL_IRQ_EN in mem.attributes: self.global_irq_en_memory = mem elif MemoryAttribute.ETISS_IS_PROCNO in mem.attributes: self.procno_memory = mem elif MemoryAttribute.ETISS_IS_IRQ_EN in mem.attributes: self.irq_en_memory = mem elif MemoryAttribute.ETISS_IS_IRQ_PENDING in mem.attributes: self.irq_pending_memory = mem super().__init__(name)