Source code for mlonmcu.setup.gen_requirements

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Modifications copyright (C) 2022  TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

"""MLonMCU Python requirements.txt generator.

This script generates a set of requirements.txt files (stored in `./requirements`) that describe
MLonMCU's Python dependencies.

## Pieces

MLonMCU can be roughly broken into these named pieces along the lines of Python dependencies:

- "core": A core piece, which is intended to be buildable with very few external dependencies. Users
  can use Relay, compile models, and run autotuning with this part.
- Extra features (i.e. TVM). These enhance MLonMCU's functionality, but aren't required
  for basic operation.

## What this tool does

From these pieces, this tool builds:
 - requirements/<name>.txt - Python dependencies for each named piece above, `<name>` is the same as
   the quoted piece name.
 - requirements/all.txt - Consolidated Python dependencies for all pieces, excluding dev below.
 - requirements/dev.txt - Python dependencies needed to develop MLONMCU, such as lint and test tools.

The data representing each piece is contained in the two maps below.

import argparse
import collections
import os
import re
import textwrap
import sys
import typing

RequirementsByPieceType = typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Tuple[str, typing.List[str]]]]

# Maps named MLonMCU piece (see description above) to a list of names of Python packages. Please use
# alphabetical order for each package list, and do not add version constraints here!
REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE: RequirementsByPieceType = [
    # Base requirements needed to install MLonMCU.
            "Base requirements needed to install MLonMCU",
                "Pillow",  # convert data
                "openpyxl",  # xlsx reports
                "xlsxwriter",  # xlsx reports
                "xlwt",  # xlsx reports
    # Provide support for espidf.
            "Requirements for using espidf",
                "itsdangerous",  # there are two espidf in origin requirements.txt this is from the 2nd
                "jinja2",  # there are two espidf in origin requirements.txt this is from the 2nd
                "pyserial",  # for custom monitor
    # Provide support for etiss.
            "Requirements for using etiss",
            ["humanize", "pyelftools"],
    ("gvsoc_pulp", ("Requirements for gvsoc", ["PrettyTable"])),
    # Provide support for microtvm.
            "Requirements for using microtvm",
            ["matplotlib", "pyserial", "pyusb"],
    # Provide support for moiopt.
    ("moiopt", ("Requirements for moiopt", ["ortools"])),
    # Provide support for onnx.
    ("onnx", ("Requirements for onnx", ["onnx"])),
    # Provide support for relay visualization.
    ("relay-visualization", ("Requirements for relay visualization", ["relayviz"])),
    # Provide support for tflite.
            "Requirements for using tflite",
    # Provide support for tflm.
            "Requirements for using tflm",
    # Provide support for tvm.
            "Requirements for using tvm",
                "graphviz",  # for relay visualization
    ("tvm-autotuning", ("Requirements for using tvm autotuning", ["xgboost"])),  # for autotuning on some target
    # Provide support for visualize.
            "Requirements for using visualize",
    ("visualize_tflite", ("Requirements for visualization", ["tensorflow"])),
    # Provide support for zephyr.
            "Requirements for using zephyr",
                "pyserial",  # for custom monitor

ConstraintsType = typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Union[None, str]]]

# Maps a named Python package (which should appear in REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE above) to a
# semver or pip version constraint. Semver constraints are translated into requirements.txt-friendly
# constraints.
# These constraints serve only to record technical reasons why a particular version can't be used.
# They are the default install_requires used in These can be further narrowed to restrict
# dependencies to those tested or used in CI; however, that process is not done here.
# Policy for constraints listed here:
# 1. Each package specified in REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE must be included here.
# 2. If MLonMCU will functionally break against an old version of a dependency, specify a >= relation
#    here. Include a comment linking to context or explaining why the constraint is in place.
    ("GitPython", None),
    ("Pillow", None),
    ("bitstring", ">=3.1.6"),
    ("click", ">=7.0"),
    ("cloudpickle", None),
    ("construct", "==2.10.54"),  # From PR #213.
    ("cryptography", ">=2.1.4"),
    ("decorator", None),
    ("ecdsa", ">=0.16.0"),
    ("filelock", None),
    ("future", ">=0.15.2"),
    ("gdbgui", "=="),
    ("graphviz", None),
    ("humanize", None),
    ("idf-component-manager", "~=1.0"),
    ("itsdangerous", "<2.1"),
    ("jinja2", "<3.1"),
    ("kconfiglib", "==13.7.1"),
    ("matplotlib", None),
    ("networkx", None),
    ("numpy", None),
    ("onnx", None),
    ("openpyxl", None),
    ("ortools", None),
    ("pandas", None),
    ("prettytable", None),
    ("psutil", None),
    ("pyelftools", None),
    ("pygdbmi", "<="),
    ("pyparsing", ">=2.0.3,<2.4.0"),
    ("pyserial", None),
    ("python-socketio", "<5"),
    ("pyusb", None),
    ("pyyaml", None),
    ("reedsolo", ">=1.5.3,<=1.5.4"),
    ("scipy", None),
    ("synr", None),
    ("tensorflow", ">=2.11.1"),
    ("tflite", ">=2.4.0"),
    ("tornado", None),
    ("typing_extensions", None),
    ("xdg", None),
    ("xgboost", ">=1.7.0"),
    ("xlsxwriter", None),
    ("xlwt", None),

# End of configuration options.

# Required keys in REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE.
REQUIRED_PIECES: typing.List[str] = ["core", "dev"]

# Regex to validates piece names.
PIECE_REGEX: typing.Pattern = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*", re.IGNORECASE)

# Regex to match a constraint specification. Multiple constraints are not supported.
CONSTRAINT_REGEX: typing.Pattern = re.compile(r"(?:\^|\<|(?:~=)|(?:<=)|(?:==)|(?:>=)|\>)[^<>=\^,]+")

# Regex for parsing semantic versions. See
SEMVER_REGEX: typing.Pattern = re.compile(

[docs] def validate_requirements_by_piece() -> typing.List[str]: """Validate REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE, returning a list of problems. Returns ------- list[str] : A list of strings, each one describing a distinct problem with REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE. """ problems = [] unseen_required_pieces = set(REQUIRED_PIECES) seen_pieces = set() # Ensure that core is listed first and dev is listed last. saw_core = False saw_dev = False if not isinstance(REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE, (list, tuple)): problems.append(f"must be list or tuple, see {REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE!r}") return problems for piece, value in REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE: if not isinstance(piece, str): problems.append(f"piece {piece!r}: must be str") continue if piece in unseen_required_pieces: unseen_required_pieces.remove(piece) piece_lower = piece.lower() if piece_lower in seen_pieces: problems.append(f"piece {piece}: listed twice") seen_pieces.add(piece_lower) if not saw_core and piece != "core": problems.append(f'piece {piece}: must list after "core" (core must be first)') elif piece == "core": saw_core = True if saw_dev: problems.append(f'piece {piece}: must list before "dev" (dev must be last)') elif piece == "dev": saw_dev = True if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) or len(value) != 2: problems.append( f'piece {piece}: should be formatted like ("{piece}", ("<requirements.txt comment>", ["dep1", "dep2", ' f"...])). got: {value!r} " ) continue description, deps = value if not isinstance(description, str): problems.append(f"piece {piece}: description should be a string, got {description!r}") if not isinstance(deps, (list, tuple)) or any(not isinstance(d, str) for d in deps): problems.append(f"piece {piece}: deps should be a list of strings, got {deps!r}") continue if list(sorted(deps)) != list(deps): problems.append(f"piece {piece}: deps must be sorted. Correct order:\n {list(sorted(deps))!r}") piece_deps = set() for d in deps: if problems.append( f"piece {piece}: dependency {d} should not specify a version. Add it to CONSTRAINTS instead." ) if d.lower() in piece_deps: problems.append(f"piece {piece}: dependency {d} listed twice") piece_deps.add(d.lower()) extras_pieces = [k for (k, _) in REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE if k not in ("dev", "core") if isinstance(k, str)] sorted_extras_pieces = list(sorted(extras_pieces)) if sorted_extras_pieces != list(extras_pieces): problems.append(f'pieces other than "core" and "dev" must appear in alphabetical order: {sorted_extras_pieces}') return problems
[docs] def parse_semver(package: str, constraint: str, problems: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List[str], int, int]: """Parse a semantic versioning constraint of the form "^X.[.Y[.Z[...]]]]" Parameters ---------- package : str Name of the package specifying this constraint, for reporting problems. constraint : str The semver constraint. Must start with "^" problems : List[str] A list of strings describing problems that have occurred validating the configuration. Problems encountered while validating constraint are appended to this list. Returns ------- tuple[list[str], int, int] : A 3-tuple. The first element is a list containing an entry for each component in the semver string (components separated by "."). The second element is the index of the component in the list which must not change to meet the semver constraint. The third element is an integer, the numeric value of the changing component (this can be non-trivial when the patch is the changing part but pre-, post-release, or build metadta. See "Caret requirements" at """ m = SEMVER_REGEX.match(constraint[1:]) if not m: problems.append(f"{package}: invalid semver constraint {constraint}") return [], 0, 0 min_ver_parts = ["major"),"minor"),"patch") + (f"-{'prerelease')}" if"prerelease") else "") + (f"+{'buildmetadata')}" if"buildmetadata") else ""), ] # Major/minor version handling is simple for i, p in enumerate(min_ver_parts[:2]): x = int(p.strip()) if x: return min_ver_parts, i, x # For patch version, consult only the numeric patch if"patch"): patch_int = int("patch")) if patch_int or min_ver_parts[2] !="patch"): return min_ver_parts, 2, patch_int # All 0's return min_ver_parts, 0, 0
[docs] def validate_constraints() -> typing.List[str]: """Validate CONSTRAINTS, returning a list of problems found. Returns ------- list[str] : A list of strings, each one describing a distinct problem found in CONSTRAINTS. """ problems = [] if not isinstance(CONSTRAINTS, (list, tuple)): problems.append(f"must be list or tuple, see: {CONSTRAINTS!r}") seen_packages = set() all_deps = set() for _, (_, deps) in REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE: for d in deps: all_deps.add(d.lower()) for package, constraint in CONSTRAINTS: if package in seen_packages: problems.append(f"{package}: specified twice") seen_packages.add(package) if package.lower() not in all_deps: problems.append(f"{package}: not specified in REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE") if constraint is None: # None is just a placeholder that allows for comments. continue if not CONSTRAINT_REGEX.match(constraint): problems.append(f'{package}: constraint "{constraint}" does not look like a valid constraint') if constraint.startswith("^"): parse_semver(package, constraint, problems) all_constrained_packages = [p for (p, _) in CONSTRAINTS] sorted_constrained_packages = list(sorted(all_constrained_packages)) if sorted_constrained_packages != all_constrained_packages: problems.append(f"CONSTRAINTS entries should be in this sorted order: {sorted_constrained_packages}") return problems
[docs] class ValidationError(Exception): """Raised when a validation error occurs."""
[docs] @staticmethod def format_problems(config: str, problems: typing.List[str]) -> str: """Format a list of problems with a global config variable into human-readable output. Parameters ---------- config : str Name of the global configuration variable of concern. Prepended to the output. problems: list[str] A list of strings, each one a distinct problem with that config variable. Returns ------- str : A human-readable string suitable for console, listing the problems as bullet points. """ formatted = [] for p in problems: assert isinstance(p, str), f"problems element not a str: {p}" formatted.append( "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(f"{config}: {p}", width=80, initial_indent=" * ", subsequent_indent=" ")) ) return "\n".join(formatted)
def __init__(self, config: str, problems: typing.List[str]): """Describes an error that occurs validating one of the global config variables. Parameters ---------- config : str Name of the global configuration variable of concern. Prepended to the output. problems: list[str] A list of strings, each one a distinct problem with that config variable. """ super(ValidationError, self).__init__(self.format_problems(config, problems)) self.problems = problems
[docs] def validate_or_raise(): problems = validate_requirements_by_piece() if problems: raise ValidationError("REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE", problems) problems = validate_constraints() if problems: raise ValidationError("CONSTRAINTS", problems)
[docs] def semver_to_requirements(dep: str, constraint: str, joined_deps: typing.List[str]): """Convert a SemVer-style constraint to a setuptools-compatible constraint. Parameters ---------- dep : str Name of the PyPI package to depend on. constraint : str The SemVer constraint, of the form "^<semver constraint>" joined_deps : list[str] A list of strings, each a setuptools-compatible constraint which could be written to a line in requirements.txt. The converted constraint is appended to this list. """ problems: typing.List[str] = [] min_ver_parts, fixed_index, fixed_part = parse_semver(dep, constraint, problems) text_problems = "\n" + "\n".join(f" * {p}" for p in problems) assert not problems, f"should not happen: validated semver {constraint} parses with problems:{text_problems}" max_ver_parts = ( min_ver_parts[:fixed_index] + [str(fixed_part + 1)] + ["0" for _ in min_ver_parts[fixed_index + 1 :]] ) joined_deps.append(f'{dep}>={".".join(min_ver_parts)},<{".".join(max_ver_parts)}')
[docs] def join_requirements() -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Tuple[str, typing.List[str]]]: """Validate, then join REQUIRMENTS_BY_PIECE against CONSTRAINTS and return the result. Returns ------- An OrderedDict containing REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE, except any dependency mentioned in CONSTRAINTS is replaced by a setuptools-compatible constraint. """ validate_or_raise() constraints_map = collections.OrderedDict([(p.lower(), c) for (p, c) in CONSTRAINTS]) to_return = collections.OrderedDict() all_deps = set() for piece, (description, deps) in REQUIREMENTS_BY_PIECE: joined_deps = [] for d in deps: constraint = constraints_map.get(d.lower()) if constraint is None: joined_deps.append(d) continue if constraint[0] == "^": semver_to_requirements(d, constraint, joined_deps) else: joined_deps.append(f"{d}{constraint}") if piece != "dev": all_deps.update(joined_deps) to_return[piece] = (description, joined_deps) to_return["all-prod"] = ( "Combined dependencies for all MLONMCU pieces, excluding dev", list(sorted(all_deps)), ) return to_return
[docs] def join_and_write_requirements(args: argparse.Namespace): try: joined_deps = join_requirements() except ValidationError as e: print(f"ERROR: invalid requirements configuration in {__file__}:", file=sys.stderr) print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) if args.lint: sys.exit(0) output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "requirements") if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) elif not os.path.isdir(output_dir): print( f"ERROR: output directory {output_dir} exists but is not a dir. Delete it", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(2) for piece, (description, deps) in joined_deps.items(): with open(os.path.join(output_dir, f"{piece}.txt"), "w") as f: f.write( f"# AUTOGENERATED by python/{os.linesep}#{os.linesep}# {description}{os.linesep}" ) for d in deps: f.write(f"{d}{os.linesep}")
[docs] def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--lint", action="store_true", help="Just lint dependencies, don't generate anything") return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def main(): args = parse_args() join_and_write_requirements(args)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()