Logging and Verbosity

Command-line output

On the CLI-side of MLonMCU two flags are provided to customized the verbosity:

  • --verbose or -v sets the used log level from INFO to DEBUG for more detailed outputs

  • --quiet or -q sets the used log level from INFO to WARNING to have minimal information printed to the command line

Of course these flags can not be used together!

Debugging Errors and specific components

MLonMCUs logging output is designed to be very clean so user doe not have to deal with the things going on in the background. However in terms of an error a full stack trace of the exception which was raised is provided to ease debugging. Using the --verbose flag sets the loggers level to DEBUG which additionally print some useful information on the commands being executed etc. If required, most components feature a config such as mlif.print_output or {backend_name}.print_output which redirects all of its outputs to the command line.

Writing log files

Is is possible to additionally write the messages produced by the MLonMCU logger to a log file in a user-specified directory. This feature can be enabled in the environment.yml file using the following options:

  level: DEBUG
  to_file: true
  rotate: false

By default a directory called logs in the environment directory is used, but this can be overwritten by the user itself. Enabling the rotate option may be helpful as well as it makes it easier to find logs related to a certain date. The log level configured in the environment file does only affect the logging to the file and not the command line output.


MLonMCUs logging is based on the logging package, however it comes with a set of functions which need to be executed to initialized the logger class. For this reason someone should always use the get_logger function from mlonmcu.logging instead the official one.