Source code for mlonmcu.platform.tvm.tvm_tune_platform

# Copyright (c) 2022 TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
# This file is part of MLonMCU.
# See for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""TVM Tune Platform"""
import re
import os
from mlonmcu.config import str2bool
import time
import tempfile
import tarfile
import concurrent
from pathlib import Path
from .tvm_target_platform import TvmTargetPlatform
from ..platform import TunePlatform

from mlonmcu.flow.tvm.backend.tuner import (
from mlonmcu.flow.tvm.backend.tvmc_utils import (
from mlonmcu.artifact import Artifact, ArtifactFormat
from import Metrics
from mlonmcu.flow.tvm.backend.python_utils import prepare_python_environment
from mlonmcu.setup import utils
from mlonmcu.logging import get_logger

logger = get_logger()

[docs] class TvmTunePlatform(TunePlatform, TvmTargetPlatform): """TVM Tune platform class.""" FEATURES = TunePlatform.FEATURES | TvmTargetPlatform.FEATURES | {"autotvm", "autoscheduler", "metascheduler"} DEFAULTS = { **TunePlatform.DEFAULTS, **TvmTargetPlatform.DEFAULTS, "experimental_tvmc_tune_tasks": False, "experimental_tvmc_tune_visualize": False, # "experimental_tvmc_tune_wandb": False, # TODO "enable_wandb": False, "min_repeat_ms": 0, **{("autotuning_" + key): value for key, value in get_autotuning_defaults().items()}, **{("autotvm_" + key): value for key, value in get_autotvm_defaults().items()}, **{("autoscheduler_" + key): value for key, value in get_autoscheduler_defaults().items()}, **{("metascheduler_" + key): value for key, value in get_metascheduler_defaults().items()}, } REQUIRED = TunePlatform.REQUIRED | TvmTargetPlatform.REQUIRED @property def tune_tasks(self): # Effectively select which tasks should be tuned in the session return self.config["tune_tasks"] @property def experimental_tvmc_tune_tasks(self): value = self.config["experimental_tvmc_tune_tasks"] return str2bool(value) if not isinstance(value, (bool, int)) else value @property def experimental_tvmc_tune_visualize(self): value = self.config["experimental_tvmc_tune_visualize"] return str2bool(value) if not isinstance(value, (bool, int)) else value @property def enable_wandb(self): value = self.config["enable_wandb"] return str2bool(value) if not isinstance(value, (bool, int)) else value @property def min_repeat_ms(self): value = self.config["min_repeat_ms"] return int(value)
[docs] def invoke_tvmc_tune(self, *args, target=None, **kwargs): return self.invoke_tvmc("tune", *args, target=target, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_tune_args(self, model, backend, target, out, trials, early_stopping): max_parallel = int(self.config.get("autotuning_max_parallel", 1)) timeout = int(self.config.get("autotuning_timeout", 1000)) results_file = self.config.get("autotuning_results_file", None) desired_layout = backend.config.get("desired_layout", None) ret = [ *get_target_tvmc_args(, extra_targets=backend.extra_targets, target_details=backend.get_target_details(), extra_target_details=backend.extra_target_details, ), *(["--desired-layout", desired_layout] if desired_layout is not None else []), *get_rpc_tvmc_args(self.use_rpc, self.rpc_key, self.rpc_hostname, self.rpc_port), *get_disabled_pass_tvmc_args(backend.disabled_passes), # TODO: missing: pass config etc. *(["--early-stopping", str(early_stopping)] if early_stopping > 0 else []), *["--parallel", str(max_parallel)], *["--timeout", str(timeout * max_parallel)], *["--trials", str(trials)], *["--number", str(self.number)], # TODO: increase while tuning? *["--repeat", str(self.repeat)], # TODO: increase while tuning? *["--min-repeat-ms", str(self.min_repeat_ms)], *(["--tuning-records", results_file] if results_file is not None else []), *["--output", str(out)], ] if self.config["autotuning_tasks"]: assert self.experimental_tvmc_tune_tasks, f"{}.tune_tasks requires experimental_tvmc_tune_tasks" ret.extend(["--tasks", str(self.config["autotuning_tasks"])]) if self.enable_wandb: ret.append("--wandb-callback") ret.append(model) return ret
[docs] def get_autotvm_tune_args(self, model, backend, target, out, trials_global, early_stopping): ret = self.get_tune_args(model, backend, target, out, trials_global, early_stopping) tuner = self.config.get("autotvm_tuner", "ga") assert tuner in ["ga", "gridsearch", "random", "xgb", "xgb_knob", "xgb-rank"] ret.extend(["--tuner", tuner]) if self.config["autotuning_visualize"]: to_file = self.config["autotuning_visualize_file"] if not to_file: to_file = "viz.png" live = self.config["autotuning_visualize_live"] assert self.experimental_tvmc_tune_tasks, "requires experimental_autotvm_visualize" visualize_arg = to_file if live: visualize_arg += ",live" ret.extend(["--visualize", visualize_arg]) return ret
[docs] def get_autoscheduler_tune_args(self, model, backend, target, out, trials_global, early_stopping): assert not self.enable_wandb, "WANDB callback not yet supported by AutoScheduler" ret = self.get_tune_args(model, backend, target, out, trials_global, early_stopping) ret.append("--enable-autoscheduler") if self.config.get("autoscheduler_include_simple_tasks", False): ret.append("--include-simple-tasks") if self.config.get("autoscheduler_log_estimated_latency", False): ret.append("--log-estimated-latency") hardware_details = target.get_hardware_details() if len(hardware_details) > 0: for key, value in hardware_details.items(): ret.extend([f"--{key}", str(value)]) return ret
[docs] def get_metascheduler_tune_args(self, model, backend, target, out, trials_global, trials_single, early_stopping): ret = self.get_tune_args(model, backend, target, out, trials_global, early_stopping) ret.append("--enable-metascheduler") if trials_single: ret.extend(["--trials-per-task", str(trials_single)]) return ret
def _tune_model(self, model_path, backend, target): autotvm_enable = self.config["autotvm_enable"] autoscheduler_enable = self.config["autoscheduler_enable"] metascheduler_enable = self.config["metascheduler_enable"] if not autotvm_enable and not autoscheduler_enable and not metascheduler_enable: # Tuning not enabled! (Might happen if abstract autotune feature is used!) return {}, {} assert [autotvm_enable, autoscheduler_enable, metascheduler_enable].count( True ) == 1, "Can not use AutoTVM and AutoScheduler/MetaScheduler at the same time" results_file = self.config["autotuning_results_file"] append = self.config["autotuning_append"] num_workers = self.config["autotuning_num_workers"] artifacts = [] verbose = False if self.print_outputs: verbose = True def remove_empty(inp): return [line for line in inp if len(line.strip()) > 0] def count_failed_trials(inp): cnt = 0 for line in inp.split("\n"): m = re.compile(r".*\[1000000000\.0\].*").match(line) if m: cnt += 1 return cnt def get_max_flops(out, prefix="M"): res = re.compile(r"\d+\.\d+\s*\/\s*(\d+\.\d+)\s+{prefix}FLOPS").findall(out) if len(res) > 0: return res[-1] return -1 # pick best records def _pick_best(backend, records, verbose=False): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: in_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "tuning_results.log.txt" with open(in_file, "w") as handle: handle.write(records) out_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "best_tuning_results.log.txt" args = [ "--mode", "pick", "--i", in_file, "--o", out_file, ] env = prepare_python_environment(backend.tvm_pythonpath, backend.tvm_build_dir, backend.tvm_configs_dir) utils.python("-m", "tvm.autotvm.record", *args, live=verbose, env=env) with open(out_file, "r") as handle: content_best = return content_best content = "" total_size = None visualize_raw = None if num_workers is not None: if isinstance(num_workers, str): num_workers = int(num_workers) assert isinstance(num_workers, int) and num_workers >= 0 trials_global = self.config.get("autotuning_trials", 10) trials_single = self.config.get("autotuning_trials_single", None) if not isinstance(trials_global, int): trials_global = int(trials_global) if trials_single is not None and not isinstance(trials_single, int): trials_single = int(trials_single) trials = trials_single if trials_single is not None else trials_global assert isinstance(trials, int) early_stopping = self.config.get("autotuning_early_stopping", None) if early_stopping is None: early_stopping = max(trials, 10) # Let's see if this default works out... if not isinstance(early_stopping, int): early_stopping = int(early_stopping) assert isinstance(early_stopping, int) if metascheduler_enable: assert not append, "append not supported by MetaScheduler" assert num_workers is None or int(num_workers) == 0, "num_workers > 0 not supported by MetaScheduler" assert not self.config["autotuning_visualize"], "autotuning_visualize not supported by MetaScheduler" sub_metrics = {} sub_artifacts = {} with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: # out_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "tuning_results.log.txt" tmp_dir = Path(tmp_dir) work_dir = tmp_dir / "work_dir" tune_args = self.get_metascheduler_tune_args( model_path, backend, target, work_dir, trials_global, trials_single, 0 ) out = self.invoke_tvmc_tune(*tune_args, target=target, cwd=tmp_dir) with / "work_dir.tar", "w") as tar: for file in os.listdir(work_dir): tar.add(work_dir / file, arcname=os.path.join("work_dir", file)) raw = None with open(tmp_dir / "work_dir.tar", "rb") as tar: raw = artifact = Artifact( "work_dir.tar", raw=raw, fmt=ArtifactFormat.ARCHIVE, flags=["records", "metascheduler"] ) elif autotvm_enable or autoscheduler_enable: if append: if results_file is not None: with open(results_file, "r") as handle: content = sub_metrics = {} sub_artifacts = {} if num_workers is not None and num_workers > 0: assert self.experimental_tvmc_tune_tasks, "num_workers requires experimental_tvmc_tune_tasks=1" # TODO: fix assert self.config["autotuning_tasks"] is None, "tune_tasks not supported together with num_workers > 0" def get_tune_tasks(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: out_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "tuning_results.log.txt" if autotvm_enable: tune_args = self.get_autotvm_tune_args(model_path, backend, target, out_file, 1, 0) elif autoscheduler_enable: tune_args = self.get_autoscheduler_tune_args(model_path, backend, target, out_file, 1, 0) else: assert False out = self.invoke_tvmc_tune( *tune_args, "--tasks", "list", target=target, cwd=tmp_dir, live=False ) lines = out.split("\n") for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "Available Tasks for tuning" in line: lines = lines[i + 1 :] break # tasks = [line.split(". ", 1)[1] for line in lines if len(line.strip()) > 0] # Get config space sizes matches = re.compile(r"(\d+). Task.*\(len=(\d+)\)").findall(out) sizes = list(map(lambda x: (int(x[0]), int(x[1])), matches)) return sizes # num_tasks = len(get_tune_tasks()) tune_tasks = get_tune_tasks() workers = [] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(num_workers) as executor: # for i in range(num_tasks): for i, task_len in tune_tasks: if total_size is None: total_size = 0 total_size += task_len logger.debug(f"Created worker for task {i}") def do_work(idx, prepend, task_len): nonlocal trials_single, trials_global, early_stopping t0 = time.time() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: out_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "tuning_results.log.txt" with open(out_file, "w") as handle: handle.write(prepend) if trials_single == 0 or ( trials_single is None ): # 0: auto, None: do not limit per task trials_single = max(1, trials_global // len(tune_tasks)) early_stopping = max(trials_single, 10) # Let's see if this default works out... if autotvm_enable: tune_args = self.get_autotvm_tune_args( model_path, backend, target, out_file, trials_single, early_stopping ) elif autoscheduler_enable: tune_args = self.get_autoscheduler_tune_args( model_path, backend, target, out_file, trials_single, early_stopping ) else: assert False out = self.invoke_tvmc_tune(*tune_args, "--tasks", str(idx), target=target, cwd=tmp_dir) with open(out_file, "r") as handle: content = visualize_raw_task = None if self.config["autotuning_visualize"]: to_file = self.config["autotuning_visualize_file"] if not to_file or to_file is True: to_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "viz.png" else: to_file = Path(to_file) assert to_file.is_file() with open(to_file, "rb") as handle: visualize_raw_task = # content_best = _pick_best(backend, content, verbose=verbose) sub_trials = len(remove_empty(content.split("\n"))) sub_failed_trials = count_failed_trials(content) max_flops = get_max_flops(out) t1 = time.time() return ( out, content, task_len, sub_trials, sub_failed_trials, max_flops, t1 - t0, visualize_raw_task, ) workers.append(executor.submit(do_work, i, content, task_len)) all_out = "" all_content = "" for i, w in enumerate(workers): logger.debug(f"Worker {i}: pending") metrics_ = Metrics() artifacts_ = [] try: ret = w.result() logger.debug(f"Worker {i}: done") out, content, size, tuned, failed, max_flops, duration, visualize_raw_task = ret all_out += out all_content += content metrics_.add("Config Space Size", size, True) metrics_.add("Total Trials", tuned, True) metrics_.add("Failed Trials", failed, True) metrics_.add("Max. MFLOPS", max_flops, True) metrics_.add("Tune Duration [s]", duration, True) metrics_.add("Tune Duration per Trial [s]", duration / tuned + failed, True) if early_stopping < trials_single: early = tuned + failed < min(trials_single, size) else: early = False metrics_.add("Early Stopped", early, True) if visualize_raw_task: visualize_artifact = Artifact( f"tuning_progress_task{i}.png", raw=visualize_raw_task, fmt=ArtifactFormat.RAW, flags=["visualize"], ) artifacts_.append(visualize_artifact) except AssertionError: logger.exception(f"Worker {i}: failed") metrics_.add("Failed Tuning", True) sub_metrics[f"task{i}"] = metrics_ sub_artifacts[f"task{i}"] = artifacts_ out = all_out content = all_content else: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: out_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "tuning_results.log.txt" with open(out_file, "w") as handle: handle.write(content) if autotvm_enable: tune_args = self.get_autotvm_tune_args( model_path, backend, target, out_file, trials_global, early_stopping ) elif autoscheduler_enable: tune_args = self.get_autoscheduler_tune_args( model_path, backend, target, out_file, trials_global, early_stopping ) # TODO: expose per_task trials else: assert False out = self.invoke_tvmc_tune(*tune_args, target=target, cwd=tmp_dir) with open(out_file, "r") as handle: content = visualize_raw = None if self.config["autotuning_visualize"]: to_file = self.config["autotuning_visualize_file"] if not to_file or to_file is True: to_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "viz.png" else: to_file = Path(tmp_dir) assert to_file.is_file() with open(to_file, "rb") as handle: visualize_raw = else: if results_file is None: return {}, {} assert Path(results_file).is_file() with open(results_file, "r") as handle: content = if metascheduler_enable: artifacts.append(artifact) # TODO: get num trials etc. metrics = Metrics() elif autotvm_enable or autoscheduler_enable: flag = "autotvm" if not autoscheduler_enable else "autoscheduler" artifact = Artifact( "tuning_results.log.txt", content=content, fmt=ArtifactFormat.TEXT, flags=["records", flag] ) artifacts.append(artifact) if visualize_raw: visualize_artifact = Artifact( "tuning_progress.png", raw=visualize_raw, fmt=ArtifactFormat.RAW, flags=["visualize"] ) artifacts.append(visualize_artifact) metrics = Metrics() if total_size is not None: metrics.add("Config Space Size", total_size, True) content_best = _pick_best(backend, content, verbose=verbose) total_trials = len(remove_empty(content.split("\n"))) metrics.add("Total Trials", total_trials, True) failed_trials = count_failed_trials(content) metrics.add("Failed Trials", failed_trials, True) if len(content_best) > 0: artifact_ = Artifact("best_tuning_results.log.txt", content=content_best, fmt=ArtifactFormat.TEXT) artifacts.append(artifact_) num_tuned = len(remove_empty(content_best.split("\n"))) metrics.add("Tuned Tasks", num_tuned, True) else: artifact_ = Artifact("best_tuning_results.log.txt", content="", fmt=ArtifactFormat.TEXT) artifacts.append(artifact_) metrics.add("Tuned Tasks", 0, True) if autotvm_enable or autoscheduler_enable or metascheduler_enable: stdout_artifact = Artifact( "tvmc_tune_out.log", content=out, fmt=ArtifactFormat.TEXT ) # TODO: rename to tvmaot_out.log? artifacts.append(stdout_artifact) return {"default": artifacts, **sub_artifacts}, {"default": metrics, **sub_metrics}