Source code for mlonmcu.platform.microtvm.microtvm_target_platform

# Copyright (c) 2022 TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
# This file is part of MLonMCU.
# See for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""MicroTVM Target Platform"""
from mlonmcu.config import str2bool
from ..tvm.tvm_target_platform import TvmTargetPlatform
from .microtvm_base_platform import (
)  # TODO: move to utils
from mlonmcu.flow.tvm.backend.tvmc_utils import (
    # get_rpc_tvmc_args,
from mlonmcu.logging import get_logger

logger = get_logger()

[docs] class MicroTvmTargetPlatform(TvmTargetPlatform): """MicroTVM target platform class.""" FEATURES = ( # TvmTargetPlatform.FEATURES + set() # Warning: benchamrk and profile not supported! ) DEFAULTS = { **TvmTargetPlatform.DEFAULTS, "experimental_tvmc_print_time": False, "skip_flash": False, # Warning: contains configs not supported by microtvm } @property def experimental_tvmc_print_time(self): value = self.config["experimental_tvmc_print_time"] return str2bool(value) if not isinstance(value, (bool, int)) else value @property def skip_flash(self): value = self.config["skip_flash"] return str2bool(value) if not isinstance(value, (bool, int)) else value
[docs] def invoke_tvmc_micro_flash(self, target=None, list_options=False, **kwargs): all_args = [] all_args.append(self.project_dir) template_args = self.get_template_args(target) all_args.extend(template_args) return self.invoke_tvmc_micro("flash", *all_args, target=target, list_options=list_options, **kwargs)
[docs] def invoke_tvmc_micro_run(self, *args, target=None, list_options=False, **kwargs): all_args = [] all_args.extend(args) all_args.append(self.project_dir) all_args.extend(["--device", "micro"]) if list_options: all_args.append("--list-options") else: options = filter_project_options( self.collect_available_project_options("run", target=target), target.get_project_options() ) all_args.extend(get_project_option_args("run", options)) return self.invoke_tvmc("run", *all_args, target=target, **kwargs)
[docs] def invoke_tvmc_run(self, *args, target=None): return self.invoke_tvmc_micro_run(*args, target=target)
[docs] def get_tvmc_run_args(self): if self.use_rpc: raise RuntimeError("RPC is only supported for tuning with microtvm platform") if self.profile: assert ( self.experimental_tvmc_print_time ), "MicroTVM profiling is only supported in environments with microtvm.experimental_tvmc_print_time=1" ret = [ *get_data_tvmc_args( mode=self.fill_mode, ins_file=self.ins_file, outs_file=self.outs_file, print_top=self.print_top ), *get_bench_tvmc_args( print_time=self.experimental_tvmc_print_time and not self.profile, profile=self.profile and self.experimental_tvmc_print_time, end_to_end=False, repeat=self.repeat if self.experimental_tvmc_print_time else None, number=self.number if self.experimental_tvmc_print_time else None, ), # *get_rpc_tvmc_args(self.use_rpc, self.rpc_key, self.rpc_hostname, self.rpc_port), ] return ret
[docs] def flash(self, elf, target, timeout=120): # Ignore elf, as we use self.project_dir instead # TODO: add alternative approach which allows passing elf instead if elf is not None: logger.debug("Ignoring ELF file for microtvm platform") # TODO: implement timeout logger.debug("Flashing target software using MicroTVM ProjectAPI") output = self.invoke_tvmc_micro_flash(target=target) return output
[docs] def monitor(self, target, timeout=60): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def run(self, elf, target, timeout=120): # TODO: implement timeout output = "" if not self.skip_flash: output += self.flash(elf, target) run_args = self.get_tvmc_run_args() output += self.invoke_tvmc_run(*run_args, target=target) return output