Source code for mlonmcu.flow.tvm.backend.tvmllvm

# Copyright (c) 2022 TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
# This file is part of MLonMCU.
# See for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple

from .backend import TVMBackend
from mlonmcu.config import str2bool
from mlonmcu.flow.backend import main
from .wrapper import generate_tvmrt_wrapper, generate_wrapper_header
from mlonmcu.artifact import Artifact, ArtifactFormat, lookup_artifacts
from .tvmc_utils import get_tvmrt_tvmc_args
from .model_info import get_relay_model_info

# Warning: This is only ment to be used with the TvmPlatform!

[docs] class TVMLLVMBackend(TVMBackend): FEATURES = { *TVMBackend.FEATURES, "debug_arena", } DEFAULTS = { **TVMBackend.DEFAULTS, "arena_size": 2**20, # Can not be detemined automatically (Very large) "debug_arena": False, } name = "tvmllvm" def __init__(self, runtime="crt", fmt="mlf", system_lib=True, features=None, config=None): super().__init__( target="llvm", executor="graph", runtime=runtime, fmt=fmt, system_lib=system_lib, features=features, config=config, ) @property def arena_size(self): size = self.config["arena_size"] return int(size) if size else None @property def debug_arena(self): value = self.config["debug_arena"] return str2bool(value) if not isinstance(value, (bool, int)) else value
[docs] def get_tvmc_compile_args(self, out, dump=None): return super().get_tvmc_compile_args(out, dump=dump) + get_tvmrt_tvmc_args( self.runtime, system_lib=self.system_lib )
[docs] def get_graph_and_params_from_mlf(self, path): graph = None # with open(Path(path) / "executor-config" / "graph" / "graph.json", "r") as handle: with open(Path(path) / "executor-config" / "graph" / "default.graph", "r") as handle: graph = params = None with open(Path(path) / "parameters" / "default.params", "rb") as handle: params = return graph, params
[docs] def generate(self) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: artifacts, metrics = super().generate() assert len(artifacts) == 1 and "default" in artifacts artifacts = artifacts["default"] assert len(metrics) == 1 and "default" in metrics metrics = metrics["default"] if self.generate_wrapper: workspace_size = self.arena_size assert workspace_size >= 0 graph_artifact = lookup_artifacts(artifacts, f"{self.prefix}.graph")[0] graph = graph_artifact.content params_artifact = lookup_artifacts(artifacts, f"{self.prefix}.params")[0] params = params_artifact.raw if (not self.model_info) or self.refresh_model_info: try: relay_artifact = lookup_artifacts(artifacts, f"{self.prefix}.relay")[0] self.model_info = get_relay_model_info(relay_artifact.content) except Exception: assert self.model_info is not None, "Model info missing!" wrapper_src = generate_tvmrt_wrapper( graph, params, self.model_info, workspace_size, debug_arena=self.debug_arena ) artifacts.append(Artifact("rt_wrapper.c", content=wrapper_src, fmt=ArtifactFormat.SOURCE)) header_src = generate_wrapper_header() artifacts.append(Artifact("tvm_wrapper.h", content=header_src, fmt=ArtifactFormat.SOURCE)) metrics.add("Workspace Size [B]", workspace_size, True) return {"default": artifacts}, {"default": metrics}
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit( main( TVMLLVMBackend, args=sys.argv[1:], ) ) # pragma: no cover