Source code for mlonmcu.environment.init

# Copyright (c) 2022 TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
# This file is part of MLonMCU.
# See for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import venv
import os
from .list import get_environment_names, get_alternative_name, register_environment
from .config import (
from .templates import write_environment_yaml_from_template
from mlonmcu.utils import in_virtualenv, ask_user
from mlonmcu.setup import utils
from mlonmcu.logging import get_logger

logger = get_logger()

[docs] def create_environment_directories(path, directories): if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path) if not path.is_dir(): raise RuntimeError(f"Not a diretory: {path}") for directory in directories: (path / directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def clone_models_repo(dest, url=None, ref=None, refresh=False, recursive=False): if url is None: url = "" utils.clone(url, dest, ref, refresh=refresh, recursive=False)
[docs] def create_venv_directory(base, hidden=True): if not isinstance(base, Path): base = Path(base) dirname = ".venv" if hidden else "venv" venv_dir = base / dirname venv.create(venv_dir) print(f"Virtual environment was created in {venv_dir}. Make sure to activate it before using mlonmcu.")
[docs] def initialize_environment( directory, name, interactive=True, create_venv=None, clone_models=None, allow_exists=None, register=None, template=None, config=None, ): overwrite = False assert template is not None print("Initializing ML on MCU environment") use_default_dir = directory == get_environments_dir() has_name = len(name.strip()) > 0 if has_name: final_name = name.strip() else: if use_default_dir: final_name = DEFAULTS["environment"] has_name = True else: final_name = "unnamed" if use_default_dir: target_dir = os.path.join(directory, final_name) else: target_dir = directory target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir) config_dir = get_config_dir() if use_default_dir or register is not False: if not os.path.exists(config_dir): print( f"The mlonmcu user config directory {config_dir} does not exist!", end=" - ", ) if not ask_user("Initialize?", default=True, interactive=interactive): print("Aborting...") sys.exit(1) init_config_dir() print("Initialized config directory.") print("Selected target directory:", target_dir) if os.path.exists(target_dir): print("The directory already exists!") if len(os.listdir(target_dir)) > 0: print("The directory is not empty!", end=" - ") # TODO: check for mlonmcu project files, if yes ask for overwrite instead if allow_exists is False or ( allow_exists is None and not ask_user("Use anyway?", default=False, interactive=interactive) ): print("Aborting...") sys.exit(1) print("Using existing directory.") if has_name: # This is a hack overwrite = True else: print("The directory does not exist!", end=" - ") if not ask_user("Create directory?", default=True, interactive=interactive): print("Aborting...") sys.exit(1) Path(target_dir).mkdir() print("Created directory.") print(f"Creating environment.yml based on template '{template}'.") # TODO: create and maintain environments.yml in user directory? write_environment_yaml_from_template( os.path.join(target_dir, "environment.yml"), template, home_dir=target_dir, config=config ) # FIXME: controversial? if create_venv is None: if not in_virtualenv(): print("It is strongly recommended to use mlonmcu inside a virtual Python environment.") if ask_user("Create one automatically?", default=False, interactive=interactive): # TODO: create venv create_venv_directory(target_dir) else: print("Skipping creation of virtual environment. (already inside one)") else: if create_venv: print("The creation of a virtual environment was requested") create_venv_directory(target_dir) else: print("Skipping creation of virtual environment.") subdirs = env_subdirs models_subdir = Path(target_dir) / "models" if not models_subdir.is_dir(): if clone_models or ( clone_models is None and ask_user( "Clone mlonmcu-models repository into environment?", default=True, interactive=interactive, ) ): custom_url = None custom_ref = None custom_url = config.get("models.clone_url", None) custom_ref = config.get("models.clone_ref", None) clone_models_repo(models_subdir, url=custom_url, ref=custom_ref) else: subdirs.append("models") print("Initializing directories in environment:", " ".join(subdirs)) create_environment_directories(target_dir, subdirs) if register or ( register is None and ask_user( "Should the new environment be added to your list of environments?", default=has_name, interactive=interactive, ) ): environments_file = get_environments_file() if not os.path.isfile(environments_file): print(f"Environments file ({environments_file}) does not exist!", end=" - ") if ask_user("Create empty one?", default=True, interactive=interactive): open(environments_file, "a").close() print("Initialized empty environments file.") env_names = get_environment_names() if final_name in env_names and not overwrite: alternative_name = get_alternative_name(final_name, env_names) print(f"An environment with the name '{final_name}' already exists. Using '{alternative_name}' instead") final_name = alternative_name # TODO: interactively ask the user print("Adding new environment to environments file.") register_environment(final_name, target_dir, overwrite=overwrite) print(f"Finished. Please add `export MLONMCU_HOME={target_dir}` to your shell configuration to use it anywhere") print("Recommended next step: `mlonmcu setup` inside your virtual environment.") print("Optional: `mlonmcu setup -g`")