Source code for m2isar.frontends.coredsl2.importer

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

"""Classes to recursively import files of a CoreDSL model."""

import logging
import pathlib

from .parser_gen import CoreDSL2Listener, CoreDSL2Parser, CoreDSL2Visitor
from .utils import make_parser

[docs] class Importer(CoreDSL2Listener): """ANTLR listener based importer. Bad on performance, as it traverses the entire parse tree when it only has to look for import statements. """ def __init__(self, search_path) -> None: super().__init__()
[docs] self.imported = set()
[docs] self.new_children = []
[docs] self.new_defs = []
[docs] self.got_new = True
[docs] self.search_path = search_path
[docs] def enterImport_file(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Import_fileContext): """The actual import functionality. Extracts the filename to import, constructs a new parser and parses the next file. """ filename = ctx.RULE_STRING().getText().replace('"', '') if filename not in self.imported: print(f"importing file {filename}") self.got_new = True self.imported.add(filename) parser = make_parser(self.search_path/filename) tree = parser.description_content() self.new_children.extend(tree.children) self.new_defs.extend(tree.definitions)
[docs] def recursive_import(tree, search_path): """Helper method to recursively process all import statements of a given parse tree. The search path should be set to the directory of the root document. """ path_extender = ImportPathExtender(search_path) path_extender.visit(tree) importer = VisitImporter(search_path) while importer.got_new: importer.new_imports.clear() importer.new_defs.clear() importer.new_children.clear() importer.got_new = False importer.visit(tree) tree.imports = importer.new_imports + tree.imports tree.definitions = importer.new_defs + tree.definitions tree.children = importer.new_children + [x for x in tree.children if not isinstance(x, CoreDSL2Parser.Import_fileContext)]
[docs] class VisitImporter(CoreDSL2Visitor): """Importer class based on an ANTLR Visitor. Only traverses the model tree to the import statements and stops traversion after that. """ def __init__(self, search_path) -> None: super().__init__()
[docs] self.imported = set()
[docs] self.new_children = []
[docs] self.new_imports = []
[docs] self.new_defs = []
[docs] self.got_new = True
[docs] self.search_path = search_path
[docs] self.logger = logging.getLogger("visit_importer")
[docs] def visitDescription_content(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Description_contentContext): for i in ctx.imports: self.visit(i)
[docs] def visitImport_file(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Import_fileContext): """The actual import functionality. Extracts the filename to import, constructs a new parser and parses the next file. """ import_name = ctx.uri.text.replace('"', '') filename = str(pathlib.Path(import_name).resolve()) # only import each file once if filename not in self.imported:"importing file %s", filename) # keep track that we imported something self.got_new = True self.imported.add(filename) # extract file path and search path file_path = pathlib.Path(filename) file_dir = file_path.parent parser = make_parser(file_path) # run ImportPathExtender on the new tree tree = parser.description_content() path_extender = ImportPathExtender(file_dir) path_extender.visit(tree) # keep track of the new children self.new_children.extend(tree.children) self.new_imports.extend(tree.imports) self.new_defs.extend(tree.definitions)
[docs] class ImportPathExtender(CoreDSL2Visitor): """ANTLR visitor to resolve relative import paths. Replaces all import URIs with their equivalent absolute path, relative to search_path. """ def __init__(self, search_path: pathlib.Path) -> None: super().__init__()
[docs] self.search_path = search_path
[docs] def visitDescription_content(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Description_contentContext): for i in ctx.imports: self.visit(i)
[docs] def visitImport_file(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Import_fileContext): filename = self.search_path / ctx.uri.text.replace('"', '') ctx.uri.text = str(filename)