Source code for m2isar.frontends.coredsl2.behavior_model_builder

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

import copy
import logging

from ... import M2NameError, M2SyntaxError, M2TypeError, flatten
from ...metamodel import arch, behav, intrinsics
from ...metamodel.code_info import LineInfoFactory, LineInfoPlacement
from ...metamodel.utils import StaticType
from .parser_gen import CoreDSL2Parser, CoreDSL2Visitor

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger("behav_builder")
[docs] class BehaviorModelBuilder(CoreDSL2Visitor): """ANTLR visitor to build an M2-ISA-R behavioral model of a function or instruction of a CoreDSL 2 specification. """ def __init__(self, constants: "dict[str, arch.Constant]", memories: "dict[str, arch.Memory]", memory_aliases: "dict[str, arch.Memory]", fields: "dict[str, arch.BitFieldDescr]", functions: "dict[str, arch.Function]", warned_fns: "set[str]"): super().__init__()
[docs] self._constants = constants
[docs] self._memories = memories
[docs] self._memory_aliases = memory_aliases
[docs] self._fields = fields
[docs] self._scalars = {}
[docs] self._functions = functions
[docs] self.warned_fns = warned_fns if warned_fns is not None else set()
[docs] def visitChildren(self, node): """Helper method to return flatter results on tree visits.""" ret = super().visitChildren(node) if isinstance(ret, list) and len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] return ret
[docs] def aggregateResult(self, aggregate, nextResult): """Aggregate results from multiple children into a list.""" ret = aggregate if nextResult is not None: if ret is None: ret = [nextResult] else: ret += [nextResult] return ret
[docs] def visitProcedure_call(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Procedure_callContext): """Generate a procedure (method call without return value) call.""" # extract name and reference to procedure object to be called name = ctx.ref.text ref = self._functions.get(name, None) # error out if method is unknown if ref is None: raise M2NameError(f"procedure {name} is not defined") # generate method arguments args = [self.visit(obj) for obj in ctx.args] if ctx.args else [] return behav.ProcedureCall(ref, args, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitMethod_call(self, ctx: "CoreDSL2Parser.Method_callContext"): """Generate a function (method call with return value) call.""" # extract name and reference to function object to be called name = ctx.ref.text ref = self._functions.get(name, None) # error out if method is unknown if ref is None: raise M2NameError(f"function \"{name}\" is not defined") if arch.FunctionAttribute.ETISS_TRAP_ENTRY_FN in ref.attributes: raise M2SyntaxError(f"exception entry function \"{name}\" must be called as procedure") # generate method arguments args = [self.visit(obj) for obj in ctx.args] if ctx.args else [] return behav.FunctionCall(ref, args, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitBlock(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.BlockContext): """Generate a block of statements, return a list.""" items = [self.visit(obj) for obj in ctx.items] items = list(flatten(items)) return behav.Block(items, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitDeclaration(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.DeclarationContext): """Generate a declaration statement. Can be multiple declarations of the same type at once. Each declaration can have an initial value. """ # extract variable qualifiers, currently unused storage = [self.visit(obj) for obj in] qualifiers = [self.visit(obj) for obj in ctx.qualifiers] attributes = [self.visit(obj) for obj in ctx.attributes] type_ = self.visit(ctx.type_) decls: "list[CoreDSL2Parser.DeclaratorContext]" = ctx.declarations ret_decls = [] # iterate over all contained declarations for decl in decls: name = # instantiate a scalar and its definition s = arch.Scalar(name, None, StaticType.NONE, type_.width, arch.DataType.S if type_.signed else arch.DataType.U) self._scalars[name] = s sd = behav.ScalarDefinition(s) # if initializer is present, generate an assignment to apply # initialization to the scalar if decl.init: init = self.visit(decl.init) else: init = behav.IntLiteral(0) a = behav.Assignment(sd, init, LineInfoFactory.make(decl.start.source[1].fileName, decl.start.start, decl.stop.stop, decl.start.line, decl.stop.line)) ret_decls.append(a) return ret_decls
[docs] def visitBreak_statement(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Break_statementContext): return behav.Break(LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line, LineInfoPlacement.BEFORE))
[docs] def visitReturn_statement(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Return_statementContext): """Generate a return statement.""" expr = self.visit(ctx.expr) if ctx.expr else None return behav.Return(expr, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line, LineInfoPlacement.BEFORE))
[docs] def visitWhile_statement(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.While_statementContext): """Generate a while loop.""" stmt = self.visit(ctx.stmt) if ctx.stmt else None cond = self.visit(ctx.cond) if not isinstance(stmt, list): stmt = [stmt] return behav.Loop(cond, stmt, False, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitDo_statement(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Do_statementContext): """Generate a do .. while loop.""" stmt = self.visit(ctx.stmt) if ctx.stmt else None cond = self.visit(ctx.cond) if not isinstance(stmt, list): stmt = [stmt] return behav.Loop(cond, stmt, True, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitFor_statement(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.For_statementContext): """Generate a for loop. Currently hacky, untested and mostly broken.""" start_decl, start_expr, end_expr, loop_exprs = self.visit(ctx.cond) stmt = self.visit(ctx.stmt) if ctx.stmt else None if not isinstance(stmt, list): stmt = [stmt] ret = [] if start_decl is not None: ret.append(start_decl) if start_expr is not None: ret.append(start_expr) if loop_exprs: stmt.extend(loop_exprs) ret.append(behav.Loop(end_expr, stmt, False, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))) return ret
[docs] def visitFor_condition(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.For_conditionContext): """Generate the condition of a for loop.""" start_decl = self.visit(ctx.start_decl) if ctx.start_decl else None start_expr = self.visit(ctx.start_expr) if ctx.start_expr else None end_expr = self.visit(ctx.end_expr) if ctx.end_expr else None loop_exprs = [self.visit(obj) for obj in ctx.loop_exprs] if ctx.loop_exprs else None return start_decl, start_expr, end_expr, loop_exprs
[docs] def visitIf_statement(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.If_statementContext): """Generate an if statement. Packs all if, else if and else branches into one object. """ conds = [self.visit(x) for x in ctx.cond] stmts = [self.visit(x) for x in ctx.stmt] conds[0].line_info.placement = LineInfoPlacement.BEFORE stmts = [x if not isinstance(x, list) else None for x in stmts] if None in stmts: raise Exception("meep") return behav.Conditional(conds, stmts, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitConditional_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Conditional_expressionContext): """Generate a ternary expression.""" cond = self.visit(ctx.cond) then_expr = self.visit(ctx.then_expr) else_expr = self.visit(ctx.else_expr) return behav.Ternary(cond, then_expr, else_expr, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitBinary_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Binary_expressionContext): """Generate a binary expression.""" left = self.visit(ctx.left) op = behav.Operator(ctx.bop.text) right = self.visit(ctx.right) return behav.BinaryOperation(left, op, right, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitPreinc_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Preinc_expressionContext): """Generate a pre-increment expression. Not yet supported, throws :exc:`NotImplementedError`.""" raise NotImplementedError("pre-increment expressions are not supported yet")
[docs] def visitPostinc_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Preinc_expressionContext): """Generate a post-increment expression. Not yet supported, throws :exc:`NotImplementedError`.""" raise NotImplementedError("post-increment expressions are not supported yet")
[docs] def visitPrefix_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Prefix_expressionContext): """Generate an unary expression.""" op = behav.Operator(ctx.prefix.text) right = self.visit(ctx.right) return behav.UnaryOperation(op, right, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitParens_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Parens_expressionContext): """Generate a parenthesized expression.""" expr = self.visit(ctx.expr) return behav.Group(expr, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitSlice_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Slice_expressionContext): """Generate a slice expression. Depending on context, this is translated to either an actual :class:`m2isar.metamodel.behav.SliceOperation`or an :class:`m2isar.metamodel.behav.IndexedReference` if a :class:`m2isar.metamodel.arch.Memory object is to be sliced. """ expr = self.visit(ctx.expr) left = self.visit(ctx.left) right = self.visit(ctx.right) if ctx.right else left if isinstance(expr, behav.NamedReference) and isinstance(expr.reference, arch.Memory) and expr.reference.data_range.length > 1: return behav.IndexedReference(expr.reference, left, right, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line)) else: return behav.SliceOperation(expr, left, right, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitConcat_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Concat_expressionContext): """Generate a concatenation expression.""" left = self.visit(ctx.left) right = self.visit(ctx.right) return behav.ConcatOperation(left, right, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitAssignment_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Assignment_expressionContext): """Generate an assignment. If a combined arithmetic-assignment is present, generate an additional binary operation and use it as the RHS. """ op = ctx.bop.text left = self.visit(ctx.left) right = self.visit(ctx.right) if op != "=": op2 = behav.Operator(op[:-1]) left_2 = copy.copy(left) left_2.line_info = None right = behav.BinaryOperation(left_2, op2, right) return behav.Assignment(left, right, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitReference_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Reference_expressionContext): """Generate a simple reference.""" name = ctx.ref.text var = self._scalars.get(name) or \ self._fields.get(name) or \ self._constants.get(name) or \ self._memory_aliases.get(name) or \ self._memories.get(name) or \ intrinsics.get(name) if var is None: raise M2NameError(f"Named reference \"{name}\" does not exist!") return behav.NamedReference(var, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitInteger_constant(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Integer_constantContext): """Generate an integer literal.""" text: str = ctx.value.text.lower() tick_pos = text.find("'") if tick_pos != -1: width = int(text[:tick_pos]) radix = text[tick_pos+1] value = int(text[tick_pos+2:], RADIX[radix]) else: value = int(text, 0) width = value.bit_length() return behav.IntLiteral(value, width, line_info=LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitCharacter_constant(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Character_constantContext): """Generate a character literal. Converts directly to uint8.""" text: str = ctx.value.text value = min(ord(text.replace("'", "")), 255) return behav.IntLiteral(value, 8, line_info=LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitBool_constant(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Bool_constantContext): """Generate a boolean literal. Converts directly to uint1.""" text: str = ctx.value.text return behav.IntLiteral(BOOLCONST[text], 1, line_info=LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitCast_expression(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Cast_expressionContext): """Generate a type cast.""" expr = self.visit(ctx.right) if ctx.type_: type_ = self.visit(ctx.type_) sign = arch.DataType.S if type_.signed else arch.DataType.U size = type_.width if ctx.sign: sign = self.visit(ctx.sign) sign = arch.DataType.S if sign else arch.DataType.U size = None return behav.TypeConv(sign, size, expr, LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))
[docs] def visitType_specifier(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Type_specifierContext): """Generate a generic type specifier.""" type_ = self.visit(ctx.type_) if ctx.ptr: type_.ptr = ctx.ptr.text return type_
[docs] def visitInteger_type(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Integer_typeContext): """Generate an integer type specifier.""" signed = True width = None if ctx.signed is not None: signed = self.visit(ctx.signed) if ctx.size is not None: width = self.visit(ctx.size) if ctx.shorthand is not None: width = self.visit(ctx.shorthand) if isinstance(width, behav.BaseNode): width = width.generate(None) else: raise M2TypeError("width has wrong type") return arch.IntegerType(width, signed, None)
[docs] def visitVoid_type(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Void_typeContext): """Generate a void type specifier.""" return arch.VoidType(None)
[docs] def visitBool_type(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Bool_typeContext): """Generate a bool type specifier. Aliases to unsigned<1>.""" return arch.IntegerType(1, False, None)
[docs] def visitInteger_signedness(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Integer_signednessContext): """Generate integer signedness.""" return SIGNEDNESS[ctx.children[0].symbol.text]
[docs] def visitInteger_shorthand(self, ctx: CoreDSL2Parser.Integer_shorthandContext): """Lookup a shorthand type specifier.""" return behav.IntLiteral(SHORTHANDS[ctx.children[0].symbol.text], line_info=LineInfoFactory.make(ctx.start.source[1].fileName, ctx.start.start, ctx.stop.stop, ctx.start.line, ctx.stop.line))