Source code for m2isar.backends.viewer.viewer

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

"""Viewer tool to visualize an M2-ISA-R model hierarchy."""

import argparse
import logging
import pathlib
import pickle
import tkinter as tk
from collections import defaultdict
from tkinter import ttk

from m2isar.backends.viewer.utils import TreeGenContext

from ...metamodel import M2_METAMODEL_VERSION, M2Model, arch, patch_model
from ...metamodel.utils.expr_preprocessor import (process_attributes,
from . import treegen

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger("viewer")
[docs] def sort_instruction(entry: "tuple[tuple[int, int], arch.Instruction]"): """Instruction sort key function. Sorts most restrictive encoding first.""" (code, mask), _ = entry return bin(mask).count("1"), code
#return code, bin(mask).count("1")
[docs] def main(): """Main app entrypoint.""" # read command line args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('top_level', help="A .m2isarmodel file containing the models to generate.") parser.add_argument('-s', '--separate', action='store_true', help="Generate separate .cpp files for each instruction set.") parser.add_argument("--log", default="info", choices=["critical", "error", "warning", "info", "debug"]) args = parser.parse_args() # initialize logging logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, args.log.upper())) # resolve model paths top_level = pathlib.Path(args.top_level) abs_top_level = top_level.resolve() search_path = abs_top_level.parent.parent model_fname = abs_top_level if abs_top_level.suffix == ".core_desc": logger.warning(".core_desc file passed as input. This is deprecated behavior, please change your scripts!") search_path = abs_top_level.parent model_path = search_path.joinpath('gen_model') if not model_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError('Models not generated!') model_fname = model_path / (abs_top_level.stem + '.m2isarmodel') output_base_path = search_path.joinpath('gen_output') output_base_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)"loading models") # load models with open(model_fname, 'rb') as f: model_obj: "M2Model" = pickle.load(f) if model_obj.model_version != M2_METAMODEL_VERSION: logger.warning("Loaded model version mismatch") models = model_obj.models # preprocess model for core_name, core in models.items():"preprocessing model %s", core_name) process_functions(core) process_instructions(core) process_attributes(core) # load Ttk TreeView transformer functions patch_model(treegen) # create main Tk window root = tk.Tk() root.title("M2-ISA-R Viewer") tree = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=(1,)) tree.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(root, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=tree.yview) tree.configure(yscroll=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.Y) #tree.heading(0, text="Item") tree.heading("#0", text="Item") tree.heading(1, text="Value") # add each core to the treeview for core_name, core_def in sorted(models.items()): core_id = tree.insert("", tk.END, text=core_name) # add constants to tree consts_id = tree.insert(core_id, tk.END, text="Constants") for const_name, const_def in sorted(core_def.constants.items()): tree.insert(consts_id, tk.END, text=const_name, values=(const_def.value,)) # add memories to tree mems_id = tree.insert(core_id, tk.END, text="Memories") for mem_name, mem_def in sorted(core_def.memories.items()): tree.insert(mems_id, tk.END, text=mem_name, values=(f"{mem_def.range.upper}:{mem_def.range.lower} ({mem_def.range.length}), {mem_def.size}",)) # add memory aliases to tree alias_id = tree.insert(core_id, tk.END, text="Memory Aliases") for mem_name, mem_def in sorted(core_def.memory_aliases.items()): tree.insert(alias_id, tk.END, text=f"{mem_name} ({})", values=(f"{mem_def.range.upper}:{mem_def.range.lower} ({mem_def.range.length}), {mem_def.size}",)) # add auxillary attributes tree.insert(core_id, tk.END, text="Main Memory Object", values=(core_def.main_memory,)) tree.insert(core_id, tk.END, text="Main Register File Object", values=(core_def.main_reg_file,)) tree.insert(core_id, tk.END, text="PC Memory Object", values=(core_def.pc_memory,)) # add functions to tree fns_id = tree.insert(core_id, tk.END, text="Functions") for fn_name, fn_def in core_def.functions.items(): fn_id = tree.insert(fns_id, tk.END, text=fn_name, values=("extern" if fn_def.extern else "")) # add returns and throws information return_str = "None" if fn_def.size is None else f"{fn_def.data_type} {fn_def.size}" tree.insert(fn_id, tk.END, text="Return", values=(return_str,)) tree.insert(fn_id, tk.END, text="Throws", values=(fn_def.throws)) # generate and add attributes attrs_id = tree.insert(fn_id, tk.END, text="Attributes") for attr, ops in fn_def.attributes.items(): attr_id = tree.insert(attrs_id, tk.END, text=attr) for op in ops: context = TreeGenContext(tree, attr_id) op.generate(context) # generate and add parameters params_id = tree.insert(fn_id, tk.END, text="Parameters") for param_name, param_def in fn_def.args.items(): tree.insert(params_id, tk.END, text=param_name, values=(f"{param_def.data_type} {param_def.size}",)) # generate and add function behavior context = TreeGenContext(tree, fn_id) fn_def.operation.generate(context) # group instructions by size instrs_by_size = defaultdict(dict) for k, v in core_def.instructions.items(): instrs_by_size[v.size][k] = v # sort instructions by encoding for k, v in instrs_by_size.items(): instrs_by_size[k] = dict(sorted(v.items(), key=sort_instruction, reverse=True)) instrs_top_id = tree.insert(core_id, tk.END, text="Instructions") # generate instruction size groups for size, instrs in sorted(instrs_by_size.items()): instrs_id = tree.insert(instrs_top_id, tk.END, text=f"Width {size}") # generate instructions for (code, mask), instr_def in instrs.items(): opcode_str = "{code:0{width}x}:{mask:0{width}x}".format(code=code, mask=mask, width=int(instr_def.size/4)) instr_id = tree.insert(instrs_id, tk.END, text=f"{instr_def.ext_name} : {}", values=(opcode_str,), tags=("mono",)) # generate encoding enc_str = [] for enc in instr_def.encoding: if isinstance(enc, arch.BitVal): enc_str.append(f"{enc.value:0{enc.length}b}") elif isinstance(enc, arch.BitField): enc_str.append(f"{}[{enc.range.upper}:{enc.range.lower}]") tree.insert(instr_id, tk.END, text="Encoding", values=(" ".join(enc_str),)) tree.insert(instr_id, tk.END, text="Assembly", values=(instr_def.disass,)) tree.insert(instr_id, tk.END, text="Throws", values=(instr_def.throws)) attrs_id = tree.insert(instr_id, tk.END, text="Attributes") # generate attributes for attr, ops in instr_def.attributes.items(): attr_id = tree.insert(attrs_id, tk.END, for op in ops: context = TreeGenContext(tree, attr_id) op.generate(context) # generate behavior context = TreeGenContext(tree, instr_id) instr_def.operation.generate(context) #tree.tag_configure("mono", font=font.nametofont("TkFixedFont")) root.mainloop()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()