Source code for m2isar.backends.etiss.instruction_writer

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

"""Actual text output functions for functions and instructions."""

import logging
import pathlib
from contextlib import ExitStack

from mako.template import Template

from ...metamodel import arch
from . import BlockEndType
from .instruction_generator import generate_functions, generate_instructions
from .templates import template_dir

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger("instruction_writer")
[docs] def write_functions(core: arch.CoreDef, start_time: str, output_path: pathlib.Path, static_scalars: bool, generate_coverage: bool): """Generate and write the {CoreName}Funcs.h file for ETISS.""" fn_set_header_template = Template(filename=str(template_dir/'etiss_function_set_header.mako')) fn_set_footer_template = Template(filename=str(template_dir/'etiss_function_set_footer.mako')) fn_impl_template = Template(filename=str(template_dir/"etiss_functions_c.mako")) core_name ="writing functions") with open(output_path / f'{core_name}Funcs.h', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as funcs_f: # generate and write file header fn_set_str = fn_set_header_template.render( start_time=start_time, core_name=core_name ) funcs_f.write(fn_set_str) # generate and write function declarations for fn_name, templ_str in generate_functions(core, static_scalars, True, generate_coverage): logger.debug("writing function decl %s", fn_name) funcs_f.write(templ_str) fn_set_str = fn_set_footer_template.render() funcs_f.write(fn_set_str) with open(output_path / f'{core_name}Funcs.c', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as funcs_f: fn_impl_str = fn_impl_template.render( start_time=start_time, core_name=core_name ) funcs_f.write(fn_impl_str) # generate and write function definitions for fn_name, templ_str in generate_functions(core, static_scalars, False, generate_coverage): logger.debug("writing function def %s", fn_name) funcs_f.write(templ_str)
[docs] def write_instructions(core: arch.CoreDef, start_time: str, output_path: pathlib.Path, separate: bool, static_scalars: bool, block_end_on: BlockEndType, generate_coverage: bool): """Generate and write the instruction model C++ files for ETISS.""" instr_set_template = Template(filename=str(template_dir/'etiss_instruction_set.mako')) outfiles = {} core_name ="writing instructions") with ExitStack() as stack: # if desired use one C++ file for each instruction set extension if separate: outfiles = { ext_name: stack.enter_context(open(output_path / f'{core_name}_{ext_name}Instr.cpp', 'w', encoding="utf-8")) for ext_name in core.contributing_types if len(core.instructions_by_ext[ext_name]) > 0 } # open a default file outfiles['default'] = stack.enter_context(open(output_path / f'{core_name}Instr.cpp', 'w', encoding="utf-8")) # generate file headers for each file for extension_name, out_f in outfiles.items(): instr_set_str = instr_set_template.render( start_time=start_time, extension_name=extension_name, core_name=core_name ) out_f.write(instr_set_str) # generate instruction behavior models for instr_name, _, ext_name, templ_str in generate_instructions(core, static_scalars, block_end_on, generate_coverage): logger.debug("writing instruction %s", instr_name) outfiles.get(ext_name, outfiles['default']).write(templ_str)