Source code for m2isar.backends.disass.disass

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This file is part of the M2-ISA-R project:
# Copyright (C) 2022
# Chair of Electrical Design Automation
# Technical University of Munich

"""Simple disassembler backend for M2-ISA-R ISA metamodels. Not very
actively maintained, might break or otherwise not work as expected.

import argparse
import logging
import pathlib
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from io import SEEK_CUR

from ...metamodel import M2_METAMODEL_VERSION, M2Model, arch

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger("viewer")
[docs] def sort_instruction(entry): """Key function for sorting instructions: Sorts by most restrictive mask first, to accurately distinguish overlapping opcodes """ (code, mask), _ = entry return bin(mask).count("1"), code
[docs] def find_instr(iw: int, instructions: "dict[tuple[int, int], arch.Instruction]"): """Linear search for an instruction by its codeword.""" for (code, mask), instr_def in instructions.items(): if (iw & mask) == code: return instr_def return None
[docs] def slice_int(v: int, upper: int, lower: int): return (v & ((1 << upper + 1) - 1)) >> lower
[docs] def decode(iw: int, instr: arch.Instruction): """Separate out operands of an instruction from its codeword.""" enc_idx = 0 operands = defaultdict(int) for enc in reversed(instr.encoding): if isinstance(enc, arch.BitField): lower = enc.range.lower length = enc.range.length operands[] += slice_int(iw, enc_idx+length-1, enc_idx) << lower enc_idx += length else: enc_idx += enc.length return operands
[docs] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('top_level', help="A .m2isarmodel file containing the models to generate.") parser.add_argument("core_name") parser.add_argument('bin') parser.add_argument("--log", default="info", choices=["critical", "error", "warning", "info", "debug"]) args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, args.log.upper())) top_level = pathlib.Path(args.top_level) abs_top_level = top_level.resolve() search_path = abs_top_level.parent.parent model_fname = abs_top_level if abs_top_level.suffix == ".core_desc": logger.warning(".core_desc file passed as input. This is deprecated behavior, please change your scripts!") search_path = abs_top_level.parent model_path = search_path.joinpath('gen_model') if not model_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError('Models not generated!') model_fname = model_path / (abs_top_level.stem + '.m2isarmodel') output_base_path = search_path.joinpath('gen_output') output_base_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)"loading models") with open(model_fname, 'rb') as f: model_obj: "M2Model" = pickle.load(f) if model_obj.model_version != M2_METAMODEL_VERSION: logger.warning("Loaded model version mismatch") models = model_obj.models core = models[args.core_name] readlen = max(core.instr_classes) // 8 steplen = min(core.instr_classes) // 8 instrs_by_size = defaultdict(dict) # group instructions by their codeword width for k, v in core.instructions.items(): instrs_by_size[v.size][k] = v # sort instructions by opcode for k, v in instrs_by_size.items(): instrs_by_size[k] = dict(sorted(v.items(), key=sort_instruction, reverse=True)) instrs_by_size = dict(sorted(instrs_by_size.items())) with open(args.bin, "rb") as f: # read at most XLEN bytes at a time while iw_read := f.peek(readlen): # truncate read data as peek is not guaranteed to return exactly XLEN bytes iw = iw_read[:readlen] # look for instruction found_ins = None for cls in sorted(core.instr_classes): ii = int.from_bytes(iw[:cls // 8], "little") i = find_instr(ii, instrs_by_size[cls]) if i is not None: found_ins = i if found_ins is None: ins_str = "unknown" step = steplen # decode instruction operands else: operands = decode(ii, found_ins) op_str = " | ".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in operands.items()]) ins_str = f"{} [{op_str}]" step = found_ins.size // 8 # print decoded instruction mnemonic iword = int.from_bytes(iw[:step], "little") iword = "{iword:0{step}x}".format(iword=iword, step=step*2) print(f"{f.tell():08x}: {iword:<16} {ins_str}"), SEEK_CUR)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()