ETISS 0.8.0
Extendable Translating Instruction Set Simulator (version 0.8.0)
Extendable Translating Instruction Set Simulator (ETISS)


ETISS is an instruction set simulator, that translates instructions into C code. The C-code of an instruction block is compiled and executed at runtime. Instruction translation is done by an etiss::CPUArch implementation. etiss::TranslationPlugin allows to add additional code to a translated instruction (e.g. etiss::plugin::gdb::Server adds code for debugging). The CPUArch provides a cpu structure and access functions. etiss::JIT instances handle compilation and loading of the translated instruction. etiss::CPUCore manages these objects and executes a processor model.


This section assumes that ETISS is not precompiled. The described methods assume a common linux system and have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with gcc 7.4. Used paths are usually relative.

Required Files and Folder Structure

The toplevel folder of ETISS (e.g. ./ETISS/trunk) (in the following refered to as "path/to/ETISS" ) should contain the following file/folders:

    include/etiss/    C++ header files of ETISS
    include_c/etiss/    C compatible header files for ETISS and translation
    src/    C++ source files of ETISS
    ArchImpl/    etiss::CPUArch implementations (included: OR1K, RISCV, RISCV64 )
    JITImpl/    etiss::JIT implementations should be located here (included: GCC, LLVM, TCC )
    PluginImpl/    etiss::Plugin implementations should be located here

    CMakeLists.txt    main CMakeLists file. It builds ETISS and any project located in the ArchImpl,JITImpl,PluginImpl,projects sub folders if they also have a CMakeLists.txt.

Compile ETISS with ArchImpl and JITImpl sub projects

ETISS itself has only standard depencencies like <stdint.h> or <dlsym.h> and dosn't require external tools beyond those of a default C++ environment.

Therefore ETISS is supposed to compile out of the box. Just make sure that the Boost filesystem library is installed (libboost-filesystem-dev on Ubuntu).

The provided CPUArch implementations and the default JIT implementation that uses TCC should also need no adaption. The GCC JIT requires GCC to be installed and the LLVM JIT requires the LLVM and Clang development libraries and headers. Set the environment variable LLVM_DIR to the LLVM installation path to use it.

The provided example software located in SW/ requires a gnu tool chain for the respective architectures. Set the appropriate CMake option variables to specify the toolchain path.

To build ETISS create a new directory (e.g. install) and open a terminal in that folder. To install ETISS into standard folders, run the following commands in opened terminal:

    $ mkdir build && cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make
    $ make install

Above command will detect the default build system on the current host and generate neccessary files (e.g. Makefiles for Unix systems). For further option please have a look at the CMakeLists.txt in the ETISS root folder. The comment section at the beginning of the file contains a table with variables and options. Because no install folder was given, the default install folder for programs is used. This will likely require administrator rights for $ make install. A possible and recommended cmake command with additional options is:

    $ mkdir build && cd build
    $ make
    $ make doc
    $ make install

That command will configure ETISS to build in debug mode. It will prevent the documentation to be created upon running the "all" target of the generated makefile (requires building of the target doc to get and install the documentation). The make command will then build ETISS and plugins. $ make install installs etiss into the target folder.

Create a project

This documentation is targeted at projects that use ETISS, not projects that primarily aiming to extend ETISS. Refer to How to use ETISS for a guide to the frontend api and use of ETISS. Highlevel structure of ETISS shows the general structure of ETISS including the frontend api.

Create a library for etiss

ETISS can be extended with plugins. The tree classes etiss::CPUArch, etiss::JIT and etiss::Plugin are the main classes for extension. etiss::CPUArch implements instruction translation, etiss::JIT handles compiling/linking of genereated C-code and etiss::Plugin is the base plugin class that is inherited by the 5 plug-in types etiss::InterruptListenerPlugin, etiss::TranslationPlugin, etiss::CoroutinePlugin,etiss::SystemWrapperPlugin and etiss::RegisterDevicePlugin. etiss::CPUArch inherites the etiss::TranslationPlugin. Implementing that interface is sufficient in case of etiss::JIT and etiss::Plugin (+ child classes) to use them by adding them to a CPUCore with etiss::CPUCore::set() and etiss::CPUCore::addPlugin().

For detailed implementation guides for etiss::CPUArch,etiss::JIT and etiss::Plugin refer to the respective guides:

To create a library for ETISS that provides etiss::CPUArch, etiss::JIT or etiss::Plugin implementations also refer to include/etiss/helper/

The following two images show how plugins interact with the etiss::CPUCore::execute() function that is the primary simulation loop of any processor.

Flow chart for the execution of the primary simulation loop in etiss::CPUCore::execute() together with plugins.

Flow chart of the translation phase. An etiss::CPUArch implementation is responsible for handeling of endiannes and determining of instruction length.

Highlevel structure of ETISS


ETISS version 0.1 doesn't provide a MMU with its example OR1K implementation. For further information please refer to the MMU Concepts page.